这些政府工作人员的做法到底错在哪里 Where These Government Staff Went Wrong

in r2cornell •  2 years ago 

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Recently, the performance of two government staff members has become trending topics and attracted my attention. One is Li Shaoli, the deputy director of the Administrative Examination and Approval Bureau of Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, and the other is Liu Hongying, the secretary of a community in Zhengzhou, Henan Province. Both of them are women. Let's review their performance at that time.

At a press conference on the epidemic in Hohhot, Li Shaoli, who was nearly 60 years old, was quite eye-catching – with a scarf, earrings, big wavy head, and even wearing a mask, it was hard to hide her beautiful face that was much younger than her age. Later, it was verified by the interested audience that the scarf Li Shaoli wore was worth 4000 yuan, while the pair of earrings was worth 30000 yuan. Originally, everyone has a love of beauty, which is understandable. Moreover, even if people showed off their wealth, others could only make remarks which were typical of "sour grapes". But what really caused concern and doubt was that she was pointing at the content of the manuscript and reading it character by character. It was obvious that she was not proficient in the content of the manuscript and was afraid of reading it wrong. Her luxurious and glorious appearance was in sharp contrast to her ability to "click" reading, which made people wonder how she got to this today’s position.

Li Shaoli was not wrong in her love of beauty. What went wrong was that she dressed regardless of the occasion. If she dressed simply and was no different from ordinary people, even if she was not skilled in reading the script, she would have not been pushed to the forefront of the storm.

Compared with Li Shaoli's deliberate dress, Liu Hongying, the secretary of a community in Zhengzhou, was much plainly dressed, but she spoke regardless of the occasion.

Also at a press conference on the epidemic, Liu Hongying skillfully read the script. When she mentioned that she was absent from her daughter's adult ceremony because of the epidemic, she shed tears and felt aggrieved. However the audience was ungrateful, and various criticisms and even attacks swept in.

Because of the epidemic, how many people couldn't go back to their homes, marry, or lose their jobs, even hardly maintain their lives, and some couldn't even see the last time when their relatives died. Compared with all these things, the adult ceremony for a child was so small and even disliked when it is spoken out. For many people, the adult ceremony was an unattainable thing, and even regarded as a luxury and waste. If you ran for life, how could you have the mind and ability to do those empty and flashy things?

I remember that Lincoln, the President of the United States, once met a little girl on the way back home. The little girl asked him what he was going to do. Lincoln said that he would go home for afternoon tea, while the girl said that she would go home to see if there was any tea to drink.

An ancient Chinese emperor heard that people all over the world had no food, and many people died of starvation. He was puzzled: "Why don’t they have some broth?" I didn't even have rice. Where could I get the broth? But the emperor did not even understand this.

The president and the girl, the emperor and the common people were not at the same level, so to speak, they were not in the same world.

In the years of the Revolutionary War, Chairman Mao and other older revolutionaries lived in caves in northern Shaanxi, where food, clothing, housing and transportation were the same as those of ordinary people. They made speeches free of manuscripts, and they were impassioned and enthusiastic, which attracted bursts of applause and support from the people, because they had people in their hearts and served the people wholeheartedly.

Li Shaoli is not wrong in dressing, and Liu Hongying is not wrong in talking of her daughter’s adult ceremony and shedding tears. On the surface, what they are wrong is that they dress regardless of the occasion and speak regardless of the occasion, but in fact, their real fault is that they lack the most fundamental thing, from the surface to the heart, from form to content, that is, the idea and practice of serving the people wholeheartedly.










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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

官僚便是如此, 他之所以升到这个位置, 不是他多会为民做事, 而是他会逢迎上官

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


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