Blurt人物专栏(十七)@freakeao ‖ Blurt Personality (17) @freakeao

in r2cornell •  3 years ago 


2021年12月30日,大约是晚上7点半以后,我便发现 无法登录了。已有很长一段时间blurt没有出现主机错误的故障了,而这一次不知会到何时。不知为何,最初能够登录的其他几个前端,例如,blurt.world早已不能登录了。

我忧心忡忡,只能无助地等待着,又怀疑是黑客在新年来临之际来搞鬼,算是送给2022年的新年礼物了。几乎是过了12个小时,也就是12月31日早上7点半,blurt.blog恢复了正常。我也在第一时间看到了前辈@freakeao的帖子——“Blurt.Blog is out of service”,里面提供了两个备用的前端。 /


一、人物介绍 (Introduction of @freakeao


二、留给我的印象(My Impression of @ freakeao)

1.活跃于blurt平台,并为整个社区提供技术资源或教程。(He actively participates within the platform and often contributes technical resources or tutorials for the community in general.)

前辈 @freakeao是第一位在委内瑞拉家中为“blurt”平台建立节点的见证人,并与其他见证人共同开发了BlurtStartup项目,旨在鼓励那些优质的内容和优秀的写作者。

如power up遇到问题,如何购买blurt,前辈都会提供帮助。(If you have any questions about how to carry out this Power up process or how to buy tokens through Hive-Engine, do not hesitate to contact me. )


2.鼓励、提携blurt上小鱼的进步和成长(Encourage and support the progress and growth of minnows on blurt)。



3.交流愉快,有共同的观点和看法(pleasant talk with common views)。



官僚作风历来令人深恶痛绝,想不到前辈@freakeao也有同样的观点。In my country, public institutions are a headache, everyone who works for the state is poorly paid, we can say that the institutions that depend on the state are on the verge of bankruptcy and many of its employees definitely do not perform their functions well.

前辈认为,blurt之上进行交流可以得到两种东西a follower and a friend,并认为they improve when you gather a circle of people with the same interests, or philosophy of life。


4.热情、率直(warm and frank)。


This is my opinion and it doesn't describe this person 100% and I might be 100% wrong.

注:图片来自@ freakeao的帖子,特此致谢!

I have written about the following persons and I admire about them. (目前已完成以下前辈故事的讲述,我钦佩他们。)


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I can't understand your language,
But the image and name is very familiar for me.
No doubt, freakeao sir is one of the most significant and determined useful and positive BlurTian of the Blurt community.
I have read his bunches of posts and found them awesome, they tell his love for our Blurt family, they reflect his passion and dedication to our beautiful community.
Thanks for writing about him!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thanks for your valuable comments, and we share the same viewpoint.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Gracias por compartir tu publicación en #Blurt. Tu esfuerzo significa mucho para nosotros; por eso has recibido un voto positivo.

Te invito a votar por @blurtlatam como Testigo / Witness


  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Many thanks to you.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Hello, I feel grateful and fortunate to be mentioned in this publication. I have always stated that limitations on this platform exist only if we allow them. Language is not a barrier for us because we can use a translator, but if you want to expand your followers or gain visibility I would like you to include the English language so that others can also enjoy your publications that are very nice. Thank you for your words and your appreciation of me. I hope this year 2022 will be a year of prosperity for you and your loved ones. Also for Blurt may it be a year of going to the moon.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you for your kind words ❤

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thanks a lot, you come from the same country.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Many thanks for your kind and valuable comments. We meet and talk with each other on blurt platform despite the language barrier, and we highly appreciate your great effort made for this wonderful platform and community beloved by all of us from different countries. Best wishes for you and your family.

He is a very collaborative person, he really likes to help.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

He is a good man ready to help others who is deserved to be respected by all of us.

yes, he likes to help everyone. He has a good heart. Sometimes we tell him that he should not be very confident with strangers, but he always thinks that everyone will be good.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

He has a kind heart. May God bless him.

Esta publicación ha recibido el voto de @blurthispano. Te invitamos a usar el tag #blurthispano. Nos puedes encontrar en Discord

Te invitamos a votar por @blurthispano como Witness


  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Many thanks to you.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

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Thank you 🙂 @tomoyan

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