惊人相似的人生 A Strikingly Similar Life

in r2cornell •  2 years ago 


In 1982, the writer Lu Yao published his novella "Life", which made a stir in the literary world. And it was adapted into a film with the same name in 1984, which made a sensation throughout the country.

I can't remember the year when I saw this film, and maybe I was sixteen or seven years old at that time. This film touched me a lot. More than that, I felt sympathy and indignation for the unfairness of the heroine Qiaozhen's love. I thought the hero Gao Jialin was a a despicable heartless man and contemporary Chen Shimei (a notorious character in traditional Chinese opera, now a derisive title for a man who deserts his wife after successfully climbing the social ladder).

Nearly 40 years have passed. Today, when reviewing the stories in Life, I suddenly think of the story of one of my classmate around me. I am surprised to find that their life paths are so similar, which is amazing.

The novel Life takes the urban and rural life on the Loess Plateau in northern Shaanxi during the reform period as the time and space background, describes the life changing process of Gao Jialin, a senior high school graduate, who returns to the land, leaves the land, and returns to the land again, forming its story framework. The emotional entanglement between Gao Jialin and Liu Qiaozhen, a rural girl, and Huang Yaping, a city girl, constitutes a contradiction in the development of the story, which also reflects the tragedy of that difficult choice.

Gao Jialin left the countryside to go to the city, and finally returned to the countryside from the city. This was his struggle with the fate, but he failed in the end, and lost his most precious love and the golden treasure--Qiaozhen.
The experience of one of my classmates is so similar to the story of Gao Jialin.

Xiao Luo was my classmate in the technical secondary school. Like me, he came from the countryside. However, he was very literary and good at writing. However, I always felt that his personality was a little different from that of others. He was sensitive, authentic and liked to show himself. I knew that this might have something to do with his growing environment. He lost his mother since he was a child. His family was poor and he was a little wild in character.

After graduating from technical secondary school, he was assigned to a private knitting factory in the city. This is an enterprise under construction, of which conditions were very difficult. Before long, Xiao Luo was admitted as a civil servant of the District Textile Bureau by virtue of his intelligence, and was also given a small house to live in. He entered the government from the enterprise, realizing a great leap in life.

This was in the early nineties of the last century, and Xiao Luo's approach was very advanced, which was also worthy of our admiration.

In the early 1990s, the economic tide impacted everyone. Perhaps it was because he needed money badly that Xiao Luo also bought some smuggled goods from his classmates for sale. As a result, his classmates were investigated and Xiao Luo himself was punished by the organization.

Later, the textile industry was depressed, and even the textile bureau was restructured. Work staff in the bureau had been diverted to other units, but Xiao Luo had been diverted to the enterprise, and the status and establishment of civil servants had disappeared. Later, it was speculated that this might have something to do with that punishment.

Xiao Luo, who had gone to the enterprise, was even more unwilling to squat in the office and went to contract a workshop in the enterprise. However, he somehow got involved in a scandal with a female textile worker, causing a lot of trouble. Xiao Luo finally had no choice but to resign and return to his hometown.

Relying on his own hard work, he went from the countryside to the city, but after many years, he returned to the countryside from the city again.

I have been thinking hard, what's wrong with Xiao Luo and Gao Jialin? Until one day, I came across a paragraph that the writer Liu Qing said.

Liu Qing was also born in Shaanxi on the Loess Plateau, and Lu Yao called him his teacher. Liu Qing once said, "Although the road of life is long, there are often only a few critical steps, especially when people are young."

It suddenly dawned on me that Gao Jialin and Xiao Luo in their youth did not take well the key steps on their life path, and they did not go to their ways of life well, falling into the tragedy of life in the end.


















Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Many thanks to you.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

相似的人生太多了, 因为我们都只是底层的人, 村里有不少人都是那个样子, 从山村走出去, 又从城市回到了山村, 少小离家老大回, 我不认为那是错的, 因为人生苦短, 平平淡淡的一生, 或许还不如轰轰烈烈的十余年, 不少人回到老家, 虽是孑然一身, 却受到大家的称羡

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

Interesting story, it is something that I have observed on other occasions and reinforces the old saying that 'sometimes life imitates art', a story that is thought for a fiction novel can reflect many features of life stories of the people.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Many thanks for your valuable comment. It's true that art comes from life. Good day to you.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org