in r2cornell •  3 years ago 


Greetings to my all #BlurtBlog fellows. Hopefully, you are all great and enjoying a great and blessed life with the grace of GOD. I am also fine AHAMDULILLAH. And today I am going to share my diary game with all of you.

But today I will share one of my favorite hobby. And first I would like to tell you that what is my hobby that I want to share and that is GARDENING.

Gardening is one of my favorite hobby. I like this from my 8th class. When I was free and I have nothing to do. Because I was free after my annual examination. And we have empty plot. Where I take care of my flowers, plants and vegetables. There was a big plot. And we can say that it is a small garden. Where I have to care many flower plants and vegetables and less amount of fruit trees also. There is many special pomegranate tree.

Well, today I get up early in the morning. And I offered prayer and recited HOLY QURAN. After that I helped my sister-in-law for prepared breakfast. And then we all eat breakfast. After that I completed other house hold works. And then me and my mother went to my little garden. Because we have to cut prepared vegetables and fruits


So firstly we started to cut vegetables. These two vegetables are favorite of my all family members except me. but I like this purple color. And it is favorite vegetable of my mother so Iike



Well, I cut all prepared vegetables . And then I cleaned . I remove extra leaves and bushes. And I also cut extra roots, leaves. Then I watered them.

After that, I cut fruits that are prepared to eat. And I like grapes so much. And grapes are ready to eat. And we really enjoyed it. After that I saw that today many flowers and these flowers are looking so beautiful


I hope that you will like it and appreciate it more and more.

Regard s:@arinaz08


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