There are no dinosaurs, there are cockroaches.

in r2cornell •  3 years ago 

My Dear Blurt,
I am @ahik777 from Bangladesh

Assalamu Alaikum Asa Kari you all are fine by the grace of Allah I am also fine. Today I will share with you that there are no dinosaurs and there are cockroaches.

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There are no dinosaurs, there are cockroaches.


Cockroaches are the most prevalent in the house. Because it is an unhealthy pest. wasted food And the movements are so wacky that it causes discomfort to many. Many buy insecticidal sprays from the market to repel it from the house. But is it possible to get rid of it? Parag Majhi wrote about the motto of cockroach survival even in adverse conditions

Since prehistoric times

In the era when dinosaurs ruled the earth, there were also cockroaches. Through many ups and downs, they still maintain their existence. This long cycle has taught them the mantra of endurance and survival. Although many do not want this animal to survive another moment on earth.

Over thousands of years, this tiny creature has developed its vitality to such a level that it gives thumbs up even to the pesticides used by humans today. A recent study found that German cockroaches cannot be killed despite the use of pesticides and poisons.

There are many arrangements to kill cockroaches

Although it sounds like a fairy tale, it is true that cockroaches can survive without a head. Even if one severed the head of a cockroach from its body, there is no guarantee that it would die.

The main secret of such incredible vitality is hidden in the body of cockroaches. Studies have shown that cockroaches have numerous tiny pores in their bodies. Through these pores they can carry on breathing. As a result, if their head is separated from their body due to some reason or accident, they continue to breathe in an alternative way. It is true that the separation of the head from the body means that the death of the cockroach is inevitable. If so, they can survive for up to two weeks. Because although they can breathe, they cannot take food and drink because they have no head.

There are no dinosaurs, there are cockroaches
Parag Majhi
There are no dinosaurs, there are cockroaches
Cockroaches are the most prevalent in the house. Because it is an unhealthy pest. wasted food And the movements are so wacky that it causes discomfort to many. Many buy insecticidal sprays from the market to repel it from the house. But is it possible to get rid of it? Parag Majhi wrote about the motto of cockroach survival even in adverse conditions

Since prehistoric times

In the era when dinosaurs ruled the earth, there were also cockroaches. Through many ups and downs, they still maintain their existence. This long cycle has taught them the mantra of endurance and survival. Although many do not want this animal to survive another moment on earth.

Over thousands of years, this tiny creature has developed its vitality to such a level that it gives thumbs up even to the pesticides used by humans today. A recent study found that German cockroaches cannot be killed despite the use of pesticides and poisons.

There are many arrangements to kill cockroaches

Although it sounds like a fairy tale, it is true that cockroaches can survive without a head. Even if one severed the head of a cockroach from its body, there is no guarantee that it would die.

The main secret of such incredible vitality is hidden in the body of cockroaches. Studies have shown that cockroaches have numerous tiny pores in their bodies. Through these pores they can carry on breathing. As a result, if their head is separated from their body due to some reason or accident, they continue to breathe in an alternative way. It is true that the separation of the head from the body means that the death of the cockroach is inevitable. If so, they can survive for up to two weeks. Because although they can breathe, they cannot take food and drink because they have no head.

World record for breath holding

Durasha also kills cockroaches that make human life miserable. Because it has incredible power to hold the breath. It can be said that this insect can hold its breath longer than any animal living on land. It has been found that a cockroach can hold its breath for 40 minutes. So it is better to drop the plan of drowning them in water. They have become proficient in this way through long years of life struggle. Even if a town is completely destroyed by a catastrophic flood, cockroaches will survive very well. Since a certain amount of water vapor leaves the animal's body with exhaled breath, a cockroach can turn its body into a hydroponic by holding its breath. If humans can master this cockroach trick, they can survive dehydration even in summer.

Cockroaches are small but fast

Although small, the cockroach is ahead of many in running. The speed of the cockroach compared to the body is incredible. A cockroach can travel at least three miles in an hour. That is, they run at a speed of three miles per hour. A cockroach may never run three miles an hour. But if necessary, this is also a great weapon for them. They often use this weapon on a small scale. It can be seen that if someone picks up a very old suitcase and a lot of cockroaches come out of it, they immediately run into the house before attacking them.

Bacterial diseases spread very quickly through cockroaches due to such rapid movement. If one discovers a cockroach in the house, it means that there are many more such insects hiding in the back of the cupboard, in the corner of the wall, under the bed or in old furniture.

Hunger tolerance

Cockroaches can survive for a long time without eating any food. However, even if they survive starvation, they become desperate for food.

Studies have shown that hungry cockroaches can even eat human toenails. Not only that, a hungry cockroach can eat everything from eyebrows to eyelashes and even children's hair while sleeping. They also eat the fur of human domesticated animals for high meat. There really isn't anything that cockroaches won't eat. However, they prefer sweet and starchy foods.

Radiation response of cockroaches

The scariest thing about cockroaches isn't that they can live long without a head, or that they can go months without food, or that they've survived since the dinosaurs. The scary news is that cockroaches can tolerate at least ten times more radiation than humans can tolerate. This means that it is not possible to use a nuclear weapon against cockroaches in a residential area. They can live a normal life even in extreme levels of radiation.

Release from larvae

As adult cockroaches have acquired many survival skills, many may think of destroying them soon after birth. However, the main problem here is that a day-old cockroach larva or pupa is no bigger than a speck of dust. So finding them is not an easy path for anyone. Not only that, they can run around like adult cockroaches even when they are dust particles! Therefore, the better way is to attack the adults without planning to kill them.

Adults in one month!

There is no reason to think of them as juveniles at all after they pass from the larval stage to the visible stage of man. Because they are going to turn into adult cockroaches within a few days. A cockroach becomes an adult in just 36 days. This means, you won't have much time before a cockroach larva grows up and lays eggs in the corners of the house again.

That is why many people do not get rid of cockroach infestation easily. Because it spawns more and more cockroaches out of human sight. Therefore, to eliminate them, experts are often called in.

Survival the fittest

Only the fit survive. Cockroaches are cold-blooded creatures by nature. This means that they do not need to eat immediately to raise their body temperature. In this case they have alternatives. Apart from food, they find other means of survival for a long time

eat each other

Some members of a Brazilian football team ate the flesh of dead fellow travelers to survive being trapped in an impassable ice. In this way they are ultimately able to sustain themselves. Cockroaches know this mantra of survival very well. There's nothing they can't eat for a convenient diet. In this case, they easily eat each other.

If the number of cockroaches in a particular area increases and they do not have enough food, they eat each other to reduce their numbers. Once this process starts there is no shortage of food. The strong cockroaches survive. After the group's membership declines, they again survive on natural foods.

It's hard to take out of the house

Even if a house is thoroughly cleaned, cockroaches will remain in some form and will have no problem finding food even in a clean house. They can hide in even a small leak. They can enter even a small crack. Therefore, if necessary, they flatten their body and spread their legs. So even after cleaning the house thoroughly, one or two cockroaches will remain, it is normal.

Worms are also getting stronger

Since adult cockroaches have mastered the powers of survival quite well, why would their larvae be vulnerable? So the big cockroaches are spreading the basic mantras of survival among the larvae. These larvae grow bigger and stronger. As a result, conventional measures to kill cockroaches are slowly becoming ineffective. And one mother cockroach can give birth to dozens of new cockroaches within a few days. So even if a cockroach is killed by the pesticide, several new cockroaches take its place. A seemingly cockroach-free home can become their sanctuary in just six months. Their numbers can double or even triple in a very short period of time.

One or more pesticides

A study was conducted to monitor the effectiveness of insecticides on cockroaches. Three different groups of cockroaches were selected for this study. An insecticide is applied to a group of them. Two insecticides were applied to another group, and three insecticides were applied to a third group. In this experiment, pesticides are applied once in the first month, twice in the second month and thrice in the third month. In this case, it can be seen that the members of the group that applied three pesticides increased more than the other two groups!

Overcome the odds

Scientists conduct research programs on cockroaches over several generations to learn how to survive against pesticides. But what they saw in the study is shocking!

It was observed that, in most cases, the number of cockroaches remained the same or increased even after the application of pesticides. Even repeated application of several types of insecticides has not been able to reduce the number of cockroaches. Instead, they have evolved to tolerate all pesticides, and this tolerance has been innately inherited by their generations. Not only that, in this case the new generation of cockroaches are born stronger than their ancestors.

There is no escape

If cockroaches can be eradicated from human habitations, many diseases can be avoided. But there are cockroaches everywhere in the apartment, house or office. So there is no way to get rid of them. The German cockroach has become the most dangerous in this regard. The country has a large number of cockroaches.

Pathogens spread very quickly through cockroaches. It is also one of the causes of asthma. Besides, the sudden appearance of a cockroach creates panic among many, which causes harmful effects on the body and mind. On top of that, cockroaches are getting harder and harder to kill, which is worrying. Because of this, many times, to kill a cockroach, many people continue to spray insecticide as long as it is moving. Researchers say it is an expensive procedure and poisoning is not a healthy way to do it. Vacuum cleaners are used in many countries to kill cockroaches. Keeping your home clean is the best way to keep cockroach populations down.

CategoryThere are no dinosaurs, there are cockroaches.
Camera usedSamsung Galaxy a10s

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