Hello everyone, how is it going? Today I would like to share the pretty photos from Center of Canada.
It’s really interesting to visit the center of Canada on my journey. Most tourists including me would take the picture with the signs of center of Canada.
The signs are kind of pretty and you can easy to know you are in Canada by seeing the sings there. Actually the center of Canada is a huge park. However, we do not have enough time to view the whole park since there are more schedule waiting for us.
Now enjoy my beautiful photos.
Thanks for reading my post and have a good day, my friends.
終於和朋友們踏上了road trip的旅程了,加拿大的路真的是又直又寬,司機也說大大的路開車起來就是開心啊,路途中我們經過了「center of Canada」,意思為加拿大的中心,查了網路這好像是個公園,但其實就立著路標和加拿大國旗,好像也沒有什麼特別的東西。
也可以說「center of Canada」有點像是個有名氣的坐標,所以大部分的觀光客經過也都會停下來拍個照,例如我們一群人,特別是在加拿大國慶日的今天,和加拿大中心坐標拍張合照也滿有意義的,所以我們還是很有興致地停下來拍了照片。
不過加拿大中心公園,好像除了我們也沒看到其他人出現,大概每個人都和我們一樣,拍了幾張照片,朝聖了一下就出發到下一個地點了,但不得不說center of Canada的路牌看起來真的很加拿大,一個大大的楓葉告訴你,你在加拿大,也算是簡潔明白XD
無論如何,center of Canada也象徵我們短程旅行開始了!!!
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