Photography of some places of interest in Sirajganj city.
Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.
I begin in the name of Allah the Most Merciful. Dear friends of Steam! how are you all Hope everyone is very well and healthy by the grace of the great creator. Alhamdulillah, I am fine and healthy by the infinite mercy of the great creator.
When I was studying in Sirajganj city as a child, I used to walk in Independence Square many times. I used to see programs of all political parties held there. Many times I used to see different kinds of programs organized there. But yes, if an Islamic event was organized then I would go there and if an un-Islamic event was organized then I would refrain from it.
After that I will show a very famous place Karitala. This place is famous as Karitala, wherever one is, if it is said that I am Sirajganj Karitala then everyone will come here. Although banyan trees are seen overhead, the place is famous as Karitala. Many times we used to sit under that banyan tree, but unfortunately, birds often eat the fruits of the banyan tree and spoil them, and they fall on our heads or on our clothes.
One day he was sitting under a banyan tree listening to a story, a younger brother was saying that such a big tree has so many small fruits and the gourd tree cannot stand on its own but very big gourds. Suddenly a whole banyan tree fell in front of him. Then another friend of mine was saying if it was a gourd and it fell on your head, would you be able to bear it? Undoubtedly you will lie down on the ground. Therefore, whatever God does, He does it for good.
Then I will show the photography of Sirajganj Bazar Railway Shahi Jame Masjid located at Bazar station. When we go to Sirajganj, when it is time for namaz, we offer namaz at Bazar station mosque. This mosque is open to all, this mosque is very old, now two floors are complete. So if any of you are from Sirajganj, then you must check.
After this I will show Shahid M Mansoor Ali Railway Station. Railway stations are crowded with people. When one wants to go somewhere in North Bengal from Dhaka and if he travels by train then he has to go through Shahid M Mansoor Ali station. It is a famous place in Sirajganj. I invite you to visit these places too.