Some wonderful photographs of different flowers.

in r2cornell •  4 months ago 

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah. Hello friends how are you all? I hope you are very well by the grace of Allah, I am also very well by the grace of Allah, I am healthy. What I am going to share with you today is to share some flower photography, I hope you will like the flower photography. I divided my flowers into one day.


The name of the first flower is jaba flower, to say that I don't know the names of many flowers but I know the names of few flowers, one of them is jaba flower and I know the names of some other flowers which are not used here. Jojoba flowers are quite red in color, in fact red flowers are beautiful to look at because the red stuff pops out so much in everything. When girls wear red saree they look very cute i.e. beautiful but red and yellow clothes are only for girls it is not allowed for boys. In other words, it can be said that the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) forbade the use of red things, but he did not forbid the use of red flowers.



The next flower that I am here to show you is the Sim Flower, this flower is usually found on the Sim plant. It is a curried flower. From this flower, within a few days, a famous vegetable of Bangladesh takes the form of a bean. This vegetable is available not only in Bangladesh but in many parts of the world, especially in winter, the import of this vegetable is high. Those of us who move to the village must know this flower or this flower vegetable very well.

Finally, I will show you the photography of Kalmir's flowers. The flowers of this pot we throw away as garbage around the house, and beautiful flowers are born from those weeds. So friends, I am not looking ahead today, I am leaving here today. May you all be well and be healthy.

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