Some wonderful photography in rural settings.

in r2cornell •  4 months ago 

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah. Hello friends how are you all? I hope you are very well by the mercy of Allah Taala, I am also very well and healthy, Alhamdulillah by the mercy of Allah Taala. Friends, I have come before you today with a topic that is today I will show you some scenes of the village and try to shed some light on it, Inshallah.


If you look at these photos, you will see how the houses of the village are like, as well as how the roads of the village are like. If you look at the road, you will see that there are not many cars on the road, only one person is driving a bicycle and there are no cars and horses on the road, this means that the city roads are full of traffic and the village roads are completely empty. Then we realized from here that the village roads are not jammed but people can move there nicely. And can't move because village places are very empty and not densely populated and city places are very densely populated that's why there is so much jam.


Let's talk about riding from home to home as it is called in our vernacular. When we say house during the journey, many times after the Yamuna river bursts again, when the fever rises, those houses are built there and you can see such scenes in the rural environment. These scenes can be seen only in villages and these beauties can be enjoyed. If you look at the photos, you will understand how the beauty is arranged.


If you look again at the village roads, you will see that there are trees planted on both sides of the road and many green grasses are planted that are as wide as the eye can see. Besides, if you notice, you will see that many times people sit under this tree, there is no rest, it is a cold place, the weather is very cold.

So friends, this was the article I wrote today, if you like it, then definitely try to let me know by leaving a comment, Insha'Allah. May all be well and be healthy. I conclude my short speech here by wishing good health to all. Allah Hafeez.

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