Fotografía de follaje y cielo en entornos rurales.

in r2cornell •  4 months ago 

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu. Hello friends how are you all? I hope that by the infinite mercy of Allah Ta'ala you are very well and healthy. Alhamdulillah I am also very well and healthy by the infinite mercy of Allah Ta'ala. Alhamdulillah.


What I will share with you today is the experience of capturing village scenes and skyscapes and photography in natural surroundings. So guys let's start - I love to do photography, I love to take photos of different things, especially in rural environment I love to take sky and plants photography, so I try to do different photography from time to time and also try to present those photography in front of you. But I don't know how you like my photography. I tell you in my various posts. If you like it, please leave a comment so I can be encouraged for the next post.


Anyway, hope you like to pick up and enjoy the photographs. So friends this kind of photography you have to go under the open sky if you want to take such a photo standing under a tree then it is not possible so stand under the open sky and turn the camera towards the sky if you take a photo as you like then that photo will be very beautiful and that Others can enjoy it. If you look at your photography, you can see that the clouds under the sky are white clouds and the sky is blue in color.


If you notice in the second photo you can see some raw leaves I have highlighted them even with the background i.e. the sky but in the second photo the highlights of the leaves are the brightest. After that, if you look at the third photo, you can see that the third photo is not very beautiful, but I have tried to present it in front of you. So friends, please try to tell me how my photography turned out by making a comment.

I don't want to write any more today, I'm ending my writing here, everyone will be fine, everyone will be healthy, I'm ending my short speech here, Allah Hafeez.

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