Unas palabras sobre la fotografía de entorno rural.

in r2cornell •  4 months ago 

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.
Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah.
Hello friends how are you all? I hope you are very well by the grace of Allah. Alhamdulillah I am very well by the grace of Allah. I am healthy. What I will share with you today is to share some photography of the rural environment and I am here to share with you some of the natural environment.


Friends like to see rural environment like living in beautiful rural environment our house is in village so we love rural environment very much when we live in rural environment we are around our house around the house or in our village beautiful beautiful rural environment there are some roads around the road Some restaurants, hotels or different scenery can be seen very beautifully. They are very beautiful. If you notice you can see people who live in Dhaka but never get to see these scenes of rural environment and they travel to different places from time to time to see these scenes.


And because our house is in the village, we can easily see these things, we can enjoy the beauty of the rural environment with our eyes. Sometimes when we go out with friends, we sit on the grass for some time while walking in the natural environment, have fun and talk so that we can enjoy our time very nicely. So friends, do you miss those scenes of rural environment, if you miss then you can also visit rural environment.


By doing this you will also enjoy and I am your relatives will also enjoy the pleasure of going. Anyway, try to let me know how you feel about the rural environment by leaving a comment. But I hope you like those scenes of rural environment very very much.

I won't write any more today like today, I am saying goodbye here everyone will be fine, stay healthy, I am ending my brief speech here wishing everyone good health. Allah Hafeez.

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