A short story from my life.

in r2cornell •  4 months ago 

Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu. Hello friends how are you all? I hope you are very well by the grace of God. Alhamdulillah I am very well by the grace of God. I am healthy.


I am going to share a very nice topic with you today, I hope you will enjoy reading my article. That is, I am going to write about the story of my life, many big stories of my life remain many big events, like this every person has some events in his life, similarly I also have some events in my life, some life events are long and some life is a story. I will share with you some of the wrong things in my life, insha'Allah.


I have completed my primary education in our village school. If I discuss my educational life with you, I will not be able to discuss it because I have completed my primary education in our village school. Was a good student and I am not saying this with pride but just humbly sharing it with you. Being a good student is not about being arrogant, good students are very humble.


So friends I completed my primary education with every teacher who praised me and every person around including our geram knows that we three brothers are very polite and by the grace of Allah we study well and are moving forward. It is completely the mercy of Allah Ta'ala, no one can move forward without the infinite mercy of Allah Ta'ala, similarly we cannot move forward without the mercy of Allah Ta'ala.


Well friends, since I have started my life story, I will write something every day and share it with you, inshallah. I will try to mention in front of you that I have not been able to spend any time with you in the gap of work for a long time, inshallah.

As of today, I am ending here, may God bless you all.

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