The Power Of Thanksgiving

in r2connel •  2 years ago 


A wonderful greetings to all Blurters in this platform. I want to use this ample opportunity to talk to us on the Power Of Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving is the act of being thankful for any good deeds that you received from someone either big or small.

Thanksgiving create an avenue for more blessings, favour and kindness, promotion to you whenever you operate in it.

Thanksgiving is like an application for more. The person you appreciate for the little thing he/ she did for you will be motivated to do more for you beyond your expectations.

Remember that when you thank God for his finger he will show you his hand.

Thanksgiving has the capability to open unimaginable doors for you. The result that your human strength cannot give you, thanksgiving Will bring it to your doorstep.

Maintain an atmosphere of Thanksgiving at any environment you find yourself because it pays the most.

When you say thank you to someone that did good to you and he/she replied you don't mention, check very well the response simply means keep mentioning.

Thanksgiving has the potential ability for dismantling any barrier, obstacle or difficulties that comes your way at any point in time.

Thanksgiving has the ability to secure a bright future for you.

Remain Thankful to God and man 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 and see how your story will change automatically for good.

Thanks for reading and remain richly blessed.

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