Psy-Ops: An Introduction to Occult Psychological Warfare

in psyops •  2 years ago 

This is a decent video regarding the methods and effectiveness of Psyops. The people who need this injected into their mind will be the ones who ignore it as concentrating for 2 hours sounds like torture.

One thing this reminded me of where various online discussions in early 2020 regarding any known methods of counter-psyops. It became clear that even those people aware enough to see the vast global con unfolding, didn't have an antidote; they only had their own awareness to count on. Also, the most effective methods of deprogramming people from extreme mind-control are not easy to find, and some of the known effective de-programmers were terminated - some interesting hints came out, but that's like figuring out a recipe from a waft of smell.

The most effective mass de-programming can be done by spreading personal stories, and in this age, short videos are even more effective. This is why the truth is being deplatformed, but also why you rarely see the effects of the con - such as kovid - outside of a few ghettoed forums. The truth is so disgusting that it can wake up some of the zombies, but that means flashing the naked truth in those places where it is most unwanted. To see a normal human turned into a crippled sack of meat - and to see hundreds of them - may be the needle of doubt jabbed into a thick consciousness.

This is also true for self-de-programming. Look where you don't want to look.

Taken from the section at about 24 to 30 minutes into the presentation.

The [David] Hawkins Scale of Consciousness [summary here] [...] goes from Shame rated at 20 all the way up to Enlightenment rated at 700 plus with all kinds of stages of Consciousness in between: guilt apathy grief fear desire anger pride courage neutrality willingness acceptance reason love joy peace enlightenment etc. [...] There is a basic delineator, or a dividing line, that is a Crux point [...] practically right in the middle of the entire scale and you see that it actually falls at the level of Courage.

So it's actually courage that often determines what we are willing to confront and look at and accept and that's the actual dividing line right there. [...] if Consciousness is at any of the stages below that line of Courage there is in the being, and in the aggregate of beings, who are at that level of consciousness, there is an inability to actually discern truth from falsehood. People who are in those stages of consciousness, and they're largely governed by fear and ignorance, cannot actually tell the difference between what is true and what is false. They do not have the actual ability in the totality of their consciousness to be able to discern the difference between truth and reality, and falsehood and fantasy. They cannot do it until they work to bring their Consciousness up to a higher level and evolve in that way in consciousness.

[...] This is what the great work is - to do it - it's to improve human consciousness in the aggregate, to reshape and remold the human psychology [...] such that more and more human beings are able to discern truth from falsehood. It can be done, but people have to be willing to do it, and do that work.

Until Humanity's Consciousness has improved in that way, psyops will continue to be a successful methodology to control human beings. [...] This is why psyops work; because Consciousness is so low in the aggregate, human beings can't tell truth from falsehood, and so psyops is like taking candy from a baby; it's a piece of cake to the dark occultist. And until we, as people who do understand what is taking place, and going on, reach out and continue to do the work to educate and edify others regarding how these methods of manipulation work, don't expect it to change. Psyops will continue to be a successful method of warfare waged upon Humanity and a successful methodology of human social control.

(Transcript edited for clarity and brevity.)

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  


Loving his slide show/presentation. His voice and grammar is easy to hear and understand.

We need courage at minimum to raise our consciousness level. Without which we will cotinue to be stuck knee deep or more in the matrix. To diferentiate from falsehood to truthhood.

Those then, who are not at the minimum requirements to differentiate from right and wrong, to understand it, rationalize, are still "innocent" and are thus just intelectual animals. For the rest of us we hold the greater responsibilities of bettering ourselves and becoming the master guide. Guide of what,... well that depends on each one i suppose.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I think it is hard enough to generate anti-psyops that is effective - never mind guiding people to a different bullshit. We have experience that facts and thinking don't work, coz most people don't think much - they react. So, maybe I should get back into that strand - the antidote. I'm not a huge fan of memes - most are lame and derivative and largely unfunny - but they are easy to swallow. They would have to be dark-trigger-memes - encapsulating the horrors.

This is precisely mass deprogramming. I'm not sure it has ever been done because most methods seek to replace one programme with another, eg replace communism with religion, or replace fear of persecution with fear of being bombed into oblivion etc etc.

I've known of Passio for years, but never really delved in as seems all obvious, which is funny coz it means we prob agree on most points. I agree with everything he lists as a psyop - and glad he added Q and flat-earthers, and for precisely the same reasons as I had when first confronted with them - do not trust anybody who demands you to trust them! Flat-earthers have the added bonus of being deeply retarded, manifestly live on videos too. The blind leading the blind off a cliff.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Which is why, when forced to take up violence;
These men who wanted to be left alone fight with unholy vengeance against those who murdered their former lives;

still can't find a source but that doesn't make it any less true.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

We need to focus on growing independent I believe. Then help our neighbors achieve it too. Share our fruits to the needy. Follow the crucified heart that was smacked between two hard places, sex magic control and the perverted mind.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

sounds like a rosicrucian ;-)

Are neighbours "needy"?

IMO those who know, or suspect, or are already on a path, need to first become stronger and more powerful. Adamantine, unflinching power.

The Socratic method of question everything, believe nothing, is an intellectual start - but note that he was sentenced to death - but most people really can't do it.

Using that intellectual start, one then reaches - or should reach - some questions that have no answer apart from having an experience! That is the point at which one uses meditation techniques to focus the mind on that question - like a koan, we each have one.

With intention, focus and correct techniques, one can achieve breakthrough transcendental states. Then it is no longer theoretical.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

sounds like a rosicrucian ;-)

So mote it be.

Nah I ain't one but gnostic teachings is something I have come to find that is worth looking into. Especially if one wants to improve spiritually.

Are neighbours "needy"?

I think we could all need a lighter burden on our shoulders. Helping them achieve it is by no means here, doing the job for them. Merely show them how so that they an have the right guide and destination to achieve that success. I wouldn't want to have human strays begging for more fruits of my hard earned work. More like, here's a fruit for now, and here's how you can make yours while yours grows into fruition. Now leave me alone, goodluck and don't quit, have a good day. Lol

The Socratic method of question everything, believe nothing, is an intellectual start - but note that he was sentenced to death - but most people really can't do it.

You know there is a skype group thay teaches the socratic method for use in court to win from the No State Project by Marc Stevens. frankrizzo3 is the username. Add him send a message to get in and then get into the role playing. Not only will you learn socratic method but you will own the court with ease amd beat them at their own game by using it against them. Keeping burden of proof on them all the time.

What is a koan? First I have heard of it.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I think it is hard enough to generate anti-psyops that is effective .

A scientificly proven method for self improvement is needed?

I am not sure but I have started reading this. Maybe it can be found here or as it states,aybe we just lacked understanding what that method is (because aparentemente we have already applied it to ourselves unknowingly) and just repeat it more often.





Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

mmm... scientology is a known cult.
I've known people trying to escape - they were hounded - and this was IRL, not some net-story.

That doesn't mean some of the dianetics exercises are wrong or ineffective, but Hubbard seems to have learnt them in a psychiatric hospital - as a patient.

I have also owned some of their "secret" books - sold them for a very nice profit - and they are no better than science fiction.

There are many methods available. I prefer going back to any originals, so things such as Tibetan Buddhism - indeed, all the yogas, mental and physical, are available and exist within many Eastern traditions; just needs a good teacher that isn't FOS.

A very new technique would be the hemi-sync from the Monroe Institute.

I think the key is that SELF-improvement requires a start. My comment that you quote refers to anti-psyops as a mass effect; seems like you took it to mean personal protection. OK, that too, as I suspect "mass effect" has to act on each individual one by one. But a psyops works because then those individuals reinforce their new beliefs by interacting with each other. That's a cult.

We are at the point where the truth will be a cult - just to protect itself!!

That is also not new ;-)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

OK, to clarify, psyops work en masse without the originator of the content having personal contact with the mass of people. The projection and psychological effects are achieved through media.

hence, my comment was about whether any anti-psyops would work in the same modality. From what I've seen, it doesn't (yet) work - it works best on the individual using real life stories, eg the vax-deaths, the phone-zombies, the child-traffiking etc.

But, I also see that the believers have a deep belief-function in their brains, and hence are more easily flipped from one belief to another, rather than being free, they get a better prison.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Hubbard is a scientologist?

I was not aware of hubbard ever being in a psychiatric hospital. Been in one myself for a couple months after I outed myself at 14. Not a good place to be. They drugged me up and I lied about me to get out quicker. Then I discovered we were all living in the matrix and sought to get out of that too ever since, despite the constant efforts to drag me back in, in various shapes and forms.

It's hard for me to believe anything and trust. I trust experiences to be real. And when I look back into them, I can learn more that way and improve in more areas than lets say "accepting Jesús" just by going to church and praying and practicing their saturnic, pagan rituals and pretend its Christianity at play. (I have much loathe for religious institutions, the hypocrisy filled room is like a deterrent for me).

Wpuld love to say more but I am running late to get ready for wage slavery. One day though. Independence is on the horizon.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

huh!? Ron Hubbard invented Scientology!
Wnkipedia has far too many entries for him - a huge minestrone of truth, propaganda and omissions. If I can recall an untainted biog I'll post a link, but even the public mish-mash is interesting.
This might be a start =
and (available on libgen)

You're lucky your lies worked to get out!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I didn't take the history lesson scientology, their twisted methods were just obvious to me from studying other cults and religions. Actually surprised I missed that tid bit. I'll be more careful reading that book. Haven't gotten too deep into yet. Thanks for the links.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  



  ·  2 years ago  ·  

hey, a pile of bricks in the middle of the road!
whats it doing there?
just pick one up and throw it thru that shop window.
why i wanna do dat? i phone my bros to pick this up and build a shed.
no, fcukwit, look, the shop, the fire.
look inside, lots of cool trainers - free!
oh yeah, i get it now!
still seems a damn shame not to take those bricks home...
no, thats a police car - just makin sure nobody else interferes...
camera!! u running!?

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


  ·  2 years ago  ·  
  ·  2 years ago  ·  

psyop keyword = inevitable
meant to disempower people, feelings of helplessness.
so even all those "warnings" actually feed the psyop and are not launchpads for solutions.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

That video also has it wrong.
people should stop discussing issues and -isms and point the finger at the elite-scum as individuals.
Stop pointing at the flag, point at the flag carrier, then at the protectors.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

link skips to 711 seconds,

they place stock and blame in individuals entirely,

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yes, but for the wrong reasons.
The climate con is a good example - the individual is being blamed for everything from driving a car to breathing. Those who believe this shit are to blame for their beliefs - not for what they are being falsely accused of.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

The architects of the climate con are the ones that should be accused as individuals for propagating such a malicious plan. Every corporate body is just a hollow shell without individuals to animate it.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

the individuals are interchangable

fire one, send another to prison, someone else dies of old age or gets voted out of office

none of that fixes "the problem"

this is systemic failure

when republicans have a majority they are pro-war

when republicans are in the minority they are anti-war

this is because war enriches whomever is currently at the top of the dog pile

not because the individual "rulers" are teh evilz

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

also, if you trust "the courts" to serve humanity and core morality

you are missing

the fact that "the courts" only function is to protect the rich from the less rich

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

cruise ships generate more carbon than all privately owned automobiles on the planet

military equipment pollution

look, sure "carbon" might be a complete bullshit scam

of course


private individuals are not, cannot be, and never have been "responsible" for any of it

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

blaming individuals is misguided

individual drivers are not primarily responsible for accidents at a blind corner

the design of the road itself and those who designed and approved and built that road

the problem is systemic

a well designed system is immune to selfish idiots and malicious intent

we are geared to follow "heroes" and despise "villains"

this "cult of personality" framework insulates the system itself from improvement

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

not true - the WEF did not create itself out of matter - it was created by individuals.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

a well designed system is immune to selfish idiots and malicious intent

systems also do not create themselves - we have a system that fits perfectly with a small psychopathic elite, a mass of unthinking believers plus an equally small number of independent thinkers.

what's a "well designed system"?

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

a system exists independently of individuals

a corporation does not magically disintegrate when the founders retire

who made the system and what their intentions were are


Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

a system exists independently of individuals

no, it doesn't.

that's like saying a chair exists independently of its atoms - not true.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

This is quite helpful for identifying psy ops, which clearly abound.

Posted from