A Humble Proposal To All The Blurtorians: @blurtstory

in proposal •  4 years ago 

A proposal for creating a genuine lounge exclusively for all the Blurtians who love writing & telling story - @blurtstory

Blurt, as a social writing platform, the main purpose (attraction) of her - absolutely all about writing!

Let's think for a minute - a social writing platform without some exciting and intriguing posts/stories = it won't be able to attract newcomers to join the platform.


Hence, it's very important to create/build a community, that's mainly focusing on high quality writing.

In this case, @blurtstory can be the ideal choice to help building a solid and vivid story writing community!

Those Things You Can Do With @blurtstory


1 Create some interesting stories (regardless of what types/genres, as long as it doesn't involve with any sensitive issues).
2 Create some fascinating video clips (show us your video editing talents).
3 Draw out your stories and share it with the community.
4 Write your own poems, read it out loud (even record and turn your poems into audios).
5 Make new publications for your own masterpieces (of course, you're welcomed to share it with us).

Requirements to use the #blurtstory tag


1 You must follow the main account - @blurtstory
2 You need to use #blurtory as the first tag (It's compulsory and no exemption)
3 Remember to follow the official blurt account too - @blurtofficial

Things you need to keep in mind when you're posting with #blurtstory tag


2 If you're using texts/images from others, remember to add "Credits to" back to the original authors, as they deserved it for their hard works.
3 Always take care of the copyrights issue.
4 We encourage blurtians to use the original texts/images.

Future term's proposals of @blurtstory


1 A 30/31 Days "To-Write-List" (Blurtians can write their own stories based on the keywords)
2 "Weekly Blurtorians Competition" - five to six random words will be given out each week, participants need to use their imagination to write out stories, by using the given words.
3 "Monthly Blurtorians Contest" - Those weekly winners (3 lucky winners for each week) will be competing in the monthly blutorians contest (The final top 3 winners will be rewarded with fabulous prizes {TBA} )
4 Many more others activities/contests etc.

Remarks: If you're having better writing expression with your mother tongue/primary language, then feel free to write your stories with it (of course, bilingual or trilingual is mostly welcomed!)

Blurtstory Slogan.gif

Slogan of @blurtstory : Think of #blurtstory = Think of Blurt!!!

Image credits: Magical book


给予所有博乐特伙伴们一个写作空间: @blurtstory

博乐特, 作为一个社交写作平台, 她的最主要目的 (吸引力) - 绝对是关于写作与创作!

试想一下——刚来到博乐特平台的新人,他们看到一些千遍一律,没有一些令人感到兴奋,能够勾起阅读欲望的帖子/故事 - 您觉得他们继续逗留在这个平台的几率有多大呢?!


在这种情况下,@blurtstory的核心宗旨 —— 帮助建立一个扎实生动的故事写作社区的理想乐园!


1 创建一些有趣的故事(无论任何类型都可以,只要故事没有牵扯到任何敏感因素)。
2 创建一些引人入胜的视频(向我们展示您的视频编辑才华/天赋)。
3 你可以用图文并茂,画出你心中的故事,并与社区分享。
4 编写自己的诗歌,大声朗读(您甚至可以录制起来,把您的诗歌变成音频)。
5 为您自己的杰作制造成出版物(当然,非常欢迎您与我们分享)。


1 您必须追随主账号 - @blurtstory
2 您需要使用#blurtstory作为第一个标签(它是强制性的,没有豁免)
3 别忘了追随官方的主要帐户 - @blurtofficial


1 剽窃他人的作品是严格禁止的!
2 如果您使用他人的文本/图像,请记住将"文本/图片来源"添加回给原始作者,因为这是他们的呕心沥血作品,受之无愧。
3 严谨处理关于版权的问题,不要得过且过。
4 我们鼓励博乐特伙伴们使用自己的原始文本/图像。


1 制作 30/31 天 ="故事写作列表"(作者们可以根据关键字编写自己的故事)。
2 "每周博乐客故事比赛"- 每周将给出五到六个随机单词,参与者需要用他们的想象力来写出故事。
3 "每月博乐特强人竞赛"- 那些每周的优胜者(每周会有3个幸运奖得主)将参加每月的博乐特强人竞赛(最终前3名的优胜者将获得官方给出的丰厚奖励[有待宣布])。
4 更多其他生动有趣的写作活动/竞赛等。

@blurtstory的口号 —— 想到#blurtstory = 想到博乐特!

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  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Support this proposal and want to write some blurt story

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

support this

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

stand by

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

I support this proposal..

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Support this activity proposal💪🏻

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

support this

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  ·  4 years ago  ·  

I support this proposal..

Support this !!!!!


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support this

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