BlogHide Reblurtslovequeen in blurt-1683810 • 9 months ago遠近馳名的阿宗麵線/蹲著站著也要吃上一碗過年期間去了一趟西門町,本以為大家都回鄉下去過年了,台北應該不會有太多人潮,沒想到我錯了,西門町還是很多人的,雖不至於人擠人,但不小心點走還是會撞到人,不然就是撞到人家手上端的麵線或是手上拿的冰淇淋,那可鐵定是賠了夫人又折兵,要賠人家食物不說還得清洗自己的衣物,甚至折了玩興。…lovequeen in blurt-1683810 • 9 months ago安國寺旁的打卡地鳳梨宅/逛逛電吉他專賣店要說安國寺最美的是櫻花,那像是橘子般橘的燈籠更是一絕,長長的燈籠在白日裡便很醒目,更別提黑夜中點燃亮光的燈籠有多美了,白日賞櫻,晚上也只能賞燈囉,否則應該是黑壓壓一片,單獨一個人走著恐怕也得感到一絲害怕了。 安國寺往上走,可以逛一逛環堤步道,還沒到步道前的交叉路口有一座長長的休憩亭,可以提供爬坡上來的遊客們一個休生養息的地方。…lovequeen in blurt-1683810 • 10 months ago佛光山安國寺/野櫻盛開的絕美景致朋友是個很愛玩的姑娘,每每到新的地方或是美的地方都會跟我分享,讓我有機會可以去走走,這回這個佛光山安國寺也是經由他推薦的,推薦的理由是這裡很安靜,櫻花超美,我這人一聽到櫻花超美就耐不住等待,讓家人開車便帶我去走走,反正路途不遠,天氣又超好的,很適合戶外踏青賞花遊玩。…lovequeen in blurt-1683810 • 10 months ago夜裡的天元宮/紅白燈籠下的夜櫻去年還是前年和家人來天元宮賞櫻花,白天來的,遊客多到連找停車位都困難,拍照也是要閃過重重人潮,而據說夜裡的天元宮也很美,因此這回選了個晚上來逛逛,果真是美麗奪目啊。 先來看一下黃昏下的天元宮,在橘黃色的天空下像夢境一樣,不太真實。 再晚些,太陽下山了,前面的綠樹在燈光的映照之下宛若開著許多的花,也算是一大特色。…lovequeen in blurt-1683810 • 10 months ago跳舞咖啡廳/承載動人的故事碩果僅存日式風格建築的跳舞咖啡廳,前身是有五十多年歷史、台灣現代舞先趨的蔡瑞月舞蹈社,蔡瑞月十六歲就赴日學舞,曾經創作《牢獄與玫瑰》,最後一幕是舞者將玫瑰丟入牢獄內,表達她與丈夫因坐牢無法廝守的哀痛。 這個跳舞咖啡廳帶有很多的故事,蔡瑞月舞蹈社是古蹟重建,就在跳舞咖啡廳旁,一大片青草綠意,還有咖啡色的格子窗,寫意又美麗。…lovequeen in blurt-1683810 • 10 months ago遙望蜘蛛人/搖晃的吊橋這個蜘蛛俠站在屋頂上,只有遠遠地才能看見它,可是拍不太清楚,後來跑到廟中的二樓往外望又看見它,便能清楚的將他的身影給拍下來跟大家分享囉。 在一群人潮中它的存在挺奇特的,像是真的蜘蛛俠降臨人間。 每次來到南庄桂花巷,一定要來走一趟廟裡參拜,畢竟是從小玩到大的地方,特別有情感。…lovequeen in blurt-1683810 • 10 months ago逛逛桂花巷和老街郵便局/媒金歲月&花枝燒每次來南庄玩經過郵便局大都遇見閉館狀態,所以對他可以說是沒啥太大的印象,這回大年初三前往倒是人潮挺多,日式房子建築的窗櫺很吸引我的目光,便進來一探,雖歷史有點久遠,可是古韻猶存,格子窗是我的喜好之一,以前住在外婆家的窗戶也是格子窗,可能因為帶有兒時的記憶,每次看見格子窗都頗有情感,連簡陋的木製座椅看起來都那麼可愛。…lovequeen in blurt-1683810 • 10 months ago生活散步/鬼湖&地獄谷地熱谷位在北投溫泉公園旁邊,是北投溫泉的源頭之一,因為終年瀰漫著硫磺煙霧,讓人聯想到恐怖的地獄,所以又被稱為「地獄谷」或「鬼湖」。 聽起來是不是挺可怕?而且在很久以前也有人曾失足落湖而被燙死,因此更為她添加了許多恐怖的傳說。…lovequeen in cn • last yearLijiang Ancient Town/The nostalgia of ancient times麗江古城/思古之幽情好久好久沒旅行了,這次來到了挺遠的雲南,也去有風的地方^^ 第一日從上海飛到麗江已經中午了,下午便到麗江古城去晃悠。 非常美的古城,雖說被大家詬病商業化挺嚴重的,卻也不掩它的美, 從入住的飯店旁邊小徑走進去就是麗江古城,可以說是等於直接住在古城裡,距離近到連自己都覺得不可思議。…lovequeen in r2cornell • 2 years ago城市漫遊/金雞湖畔的梅花開了蘇州的金雞湖佔地很廣,圍著金雞湖的區域都可以區分為東西湖,每個區域也都有獨特的地標,像是著名的誠品書店,新光三越,李公堤,獨墅湖等等等,就是分佈在金雞湖的不同區域,通常要區分在東湖還是西湖,我會直接以地標來區分比較容易記住,或者以餐廳商家來記憶,畢竟我愛吃嘛^^…lovequeen in r2cornell • 2 years agoKorean drama "Agency Company" / pure workplace drama where the heroine has no love line at all韓劇「代理公司」/女主完全沒有愛情線的純職場劇Figure/JTBC A few days ago, it was mentioned that this "Agency Company" starring Li Baoying was among the top ten in JTBC's historical ratings. For a new drama that just ended a while ago, such a…lovequeen in r2cornell • 2 years agoThe finale of Lu Opera <I Heard You Like Me> / From the beginning to the end, just a good romance陸劇<聽說你喜歡我>大結局/從一而終,剛剛好的浪漫Figure / Tencent should be regarded as an urban emotional drama that is very close to reality. Starting from the heroine Ruan Liuzheng's crush on senior brother Ning Zhiqian, a series of secret…lovequeen in r2cornell • 2 years agoFamily dinner / a feast of cherry blossoms with beautiful mountains and rivers家族大聚餐/山明水秀的一場櫻花饗宴This family reunion was scheduled as early as a month ago. Because there are five families, and there are several small families in the family, it can be said that it is not easy to organize such a…lovequeen in r2cornell • 2 years agoKorean drama "Crash Course in Romance" / Surprising twist of the plot韓劇《浪漫速成班》/劇情的驚人反轉Figure/tvN "Crash Course in Romance" is a weekend drama series aired on tvN in South Korea from January 14, 2023. It is directed by Yoo Ji-won of "The King: Eternal Monarch" and "Cha Cha Cha Cha…lovequeen in r2cornell • 2 years agoThe Korean drama "Red Balloon" is about to end / Breathtaking bloody plot韓劇《紅氣球》即將大結局/令人嘆為觀止的灑狗血劇情tvN "Red Balloon" is a Korean drama full of dog-blood plots. From its inception to the present, its ratings have been rising all the way. It can be seen that its attractive plot has attracted the…lovequeen in r2cornell • 2 years agoLu Opera "I Heard You Like Me" / Urban Emotional Drama Worth Saving Slowly陸劇《聽說你喜歡我》/值得慢慢品味的都市情感劇Figure / Tencent "I Heard You Like Me" is an urban emotional drama with a medical background, directed by Yang Yang, starring Peng Guanying, Wang Churan, Di Ni, Liu Ruilin, Mao Linlin, Li Zifeng…lovequeen in r2cornell • 2 years agoLu Opera "Star Falls Congealed into Sugar" / Immortal version of marrying the right man on the wrong sedan chair陸劇「星落凝成糖」/神仙版的上錯花轎嫁對郎Figure / iQiyi "Starfall Congealed into Sugar" was broadcast a few days ago, starring Chen Xingxu, Li Landi, Chen Muchi, He Xuanlin, continuing the original production team of "Xiangmi", it is…lovequeen in r2cornell • 2 years agoSince falling in love with this cake...自從愛上這塊蛋糕以後......Ever since I fell in love with this cake, I want to bring my friends to this coffee shop for afternoon tea every time. Every time I order coffee, I must order it by the way. It seems that without…lovequeen in r2cornell • 2 years agoThe first time I ate Taiwanese Haidilao hot pot/Live performance of Beijing Opera Changing Face第一次吃台灣海底撈火鍋/京劇變臉的現場演出I was woken up early this morning by a phone call from my god-sister. Although it was already 9:30 in the morning, for a woman like me who sleeps until I wake up naturally, 9:30 in the morning is…lovequeen in r2cornell • 2 years agoLu Drama "Wendrilla's Diary" / The Black Lotus Princess Meets the Silly White Sweet Prince陸劇《溫德瑞拉日記》/黑蓮花公主遇上傻白甜王子Picture/Love Theater After chasing "He Who is Dangerous to Me" starring Fan Zhixin today, I was deeply impressed by his domineering sexy and domineering, and immediately came to take the new…