13 Benefits of Keeping Your Life Private!

in privatelife •  2 years ago 

*Being Private is different from being secretive!
•Private life is a happy life. Seriously. The older I get, the more I’m able to appreciate the value of privacy, without the associated guilt I used to feel about implementing it.

*I share so much of my life and myself (which are far from perfect) here on the blog, but as far as every little detail and the ups and downs of my everyday personal life goes, I don’t need to go there. I’m very protective of who I’m dating, my family, and my friends. It doesn’t mean that I’ll never post photos of them on social media or that I’ll deny their existence and never speak of them. It just means that I value their privacy because I value and respect my own. Their stories aren’t my stories to tell and they didn’t ask to be a part of this narrative.
1.People don't get to see your plans, they only see results and this constantly keeps them guessing.
2.More respect. Over-familiarity with the public attracts disrespect.
3.Less hate, drama and toxicity from the public.
4..It helps you gain inner-peace and genuine happiness without seeking for validation
5.When you're private, people don't know how and when to attack you. So, you keep haters confused.
6.Other people can trust you more especially with their personal lives.
7.You don't have to depend on others to be happy.
8.It saves you from mental health problems
9.You prioritize your happiness and self-growth more which makes life more beautiful.
10.People can not use your weaknesses against you
11.You focus on your purpose, passion, good relationships and other things that matter most in life without constant distraction.
12.Your self-confidence increases.
13.You become a role model to others.

*Nothing good will ever come out of everyone knowing your business. Nothing.
Keep it low key. Your power lies in retaining an element of mystery. When you have a lack of self-esteem, boundaries, and give too much of yourself away, you allow others to feel like they can define you and once they do, it’s hard to feel like you can ever deviate from that definition. Guess what? You can’t be defined. Even though you may feel stagnant right now, you’re not biologically wired for stagnation. You’re wired for evolution. Making the decision to acknowledge, recognize, and laser-focus on your own evolution is what’s going to attract the right lovers and friends into your life.
Stop treating everyone (especially people that you don’t even know), like you owe them something. The only reason that you do this is because you’ve subscribed to the belief that you’re not enough, so you attempt to compensate as a means of emotional survival. Your childhood experiences implemented and programmed this mentality, but that doesn’t mean that you have to continue being chief of the opposition and carry out that mission/mentality until emotional warfare is a way of life. You are more than enough, just as you are. You don’t need to give everyone the privilege of knowing every little detail about you. And until you view it as just that – a privilege – no one else ever will.
“Just because it’s not posted on social media, doesn’t mean it’s not happening.” Start aspiring to LIVE the life that you waste so much time uploading, filtering, and trying to portray on social media.

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