in powerclub •  2 years ago  (edited)


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Will virtual learning shape education and Learning the way we know it?

With an increase in technological advancement and emergence of blockchain which is currently improving various aspect of life such as finance through cryptocurrencies there is no doubt that education/learning should also have a fair share in the advancement.

There's no doubt that visual learning will definately shape education in such as way that it will be a win-win situation for both students and teachers in the sense that it will become much more easier for students to learn and less tidous for teachers to pass information.

Visual learning will see to that teachers and students can be physically separated yet be in the same visual class thus defeating the issue of classroom congestion and discomfort.

The fact that visual reality is aimed at brining humans much closer to the Internet will help improve learning. Let's say a student who is taking classes on Astro physics will not just have to browse on the nine planets and watch online videos but can through the aid of visual reality feel the ring of Saturn and the moons of Jupiter thus making him or her relate more to the studies.

Using visual reality one can be at any place at anytime. This means that one can choose to go back in time prolly to the time of the construction of Roman basilica or the ancient pyramid of Egypt and this will certainly be very beneficial to students staying history.


Do you think your university will incorporate virtual learning into its curriculum?/ State the reason for the answer

In a country like mine, I strongly doubt it that will be possible at least not in the nearest future.

Education in Nigeria has been in shambles due to the on-going strike by the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU). The strike has been as a result of the inability of the federal government to fund public universities.

This lack of funding has lead to several in efficiencies such as lack of conducive classrooms for students, lack of enough offices for lecturers, extra expenses on the side of students who through their up keeps contribute in other to provide equipments that will enhance learning such as public address systems, projectors, etc.

Considering the bare minimum yet unaddressed issues, one can be more certain that visual learning is still far from being incorporated into the curriculum unless the forthcoming government takes a miraculous turn on the side of education.


Do you think such a move will be plausible/

  • Learning ease

I believe the move to incorporate visual learning into the school curriculum is plausible because it will surely bring about ease in learning. One will not even have to dress up before attending classes or get up from the bed in other to take quiz.

  • It will conquer learning barriers created by distance

This will surely reduce the learning barrier created by distance because most of us who prefer school located in other regions but couldn't attend them because of distance, will have nothing to worry about when we can visually learn from our various locations.

  • Increase in cryptocurrency adoption

Visual learning will also greatly increase digital knowledge amongst students which will make them to easily understand the concept of metaverse which is a decentralized virtual world. And for a decentralized digital world go thrive, it will need a decentralized digital currency which explains how the knowledge and adoption of metaverse will evenly lead to the adoption of cryptocurrencies.


Have you had any experience with virtual learning, if yes kindly indicate when and how

Sadly I have not had any experience with virtual learning but I will so much appreciate to have one someday.


Visual learning will indeed shape education by making learning easily accessible, conducive, and more indepth. But sadly, I do not see my country widely adopting in the nearest future due to he reluctant attitude of our government towards education.

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