Walking Out to Work Out

in powerclub •  2 years ago 

Work Out 11th May.jpeg
[Source](My Pedometer App:Daily Step Tracker)

My lifestyle is mostly sedentary; I am either sitting in front of my Macbook at work or lying down/sitting to watch a movie. This means it is crucial that I am super conscious about the number of steps I take daily. Thank goodness for apps like Pedometer which are readily available in the google play store. I have taken a total of 6608 steps today and that's really great in my opinion.

I have a daily target of 6000 steps and I try to meet it by going for a walk every morning of every weekday, right after I drop off my kids in school. My office is situated inside the University of Ibadan and the campus is truly massive with lots of undulating roads. I find it truly difficult walking uphill and so my favorite walking area is the Awolowo Stadium because of its level ground.

How was your day? I hope you got a little exercise too.

Cheers and thanks for reading!

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

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Thank you 🙂 @tomoyan

Thanks for the upvote @tomayan. Cheers!