FAQ: Why am I not getting votes?

in powerclub •  3 years ago 

Why am I not getting votes?

This is one of the most common questions I get from users. I spend a lot of time on Blurt Official Discord server and I see a lot of people asking me why they are not getting any votes or how to get votes.

In this post, I will try to address this topic and hopefully, it will help newbies gain more attention and better rewards.

Why am I not getting votes.png

The Situation

So, a new user joins Blurt and writes one post, publishes it, and then they wait to receive some votes and get rich. But that does not happen. They wait an hour or two and get frustrated waiting and they give up. Some users go and ask on the Official Discord server and they get some good advice from other users.

One user sent me a personal message on Discord asking why he was not getting any votes. I went and checked their Blurt profile and I was surprised to see that he had published one post and it was not even 2-3 hours old.

On another occasion, a user sent me a personal message on Discord and asked me to help him get some votes. The user had written their introduction post and got good support but when he wrote another post he got very few or no votes.

He was anxious and wanted votes on his post.

The Problem

The problem is that many users want to get a lot of votes on their posts and earn bigger rewards on their posts. They look at posts on the trending page and think they could also get votes.

And I have seen that many users feel a sense of entitlement like they think the Blurt Team owes them votes. And I am not the only one who thinks that. I know a few witnesses who have been getting messages from users and they keep on asking for votes.

One reason might be that a lot of users are impatient; they want to get it all in a short period of time. Crypto does that to people and I have seen that people in crypto are impatient in general. A lot of us want to get rich soon.

The Solution

The solution is that guys have some patience and build some strategy on how to get the best out of this platform. I have some ideas and I hope that these ideas will help you guys.

Here's a screenshot of one of my replies to a query.:

2022-01-11 01_51_35-Window.png

Tips for new Blurt users:

Blurt is a social blogging platform where users earn rewards in Blurt tokens.

In simple words you write a post, publish it and then other users read your post and upvote your post.

So, if you want to get a lot of votes then your post must be visible to a lot of people so that they can read it and then vote for it.

I have been on Steemit since 2016 and on Blurt since August 2020 and in my opinion, most users vote for posts based on two factors.

1. Most users vote on posts written by their friends:

Yes, a lot of us vote on posts that have been written by our friends as we want to support them and encourage them to write more.

Blurt is a powerful tool that can impact the lives of hundreds of people around the world. Blurt can help a lot of people earn some money.

If you scroll on the trending page then you will see a few amazing posts and one of the posts is about a few people building houses in Africa with donations from Blurt and other crypto sites.

Another post that you might come across is about a Christian priest hosting a feast and a Christmas feast with the Blurt someone gave them.

And @blurtconnect-ng and his team visited a school and donated a ton of books and stuff for the kids in Nigeria. They made a post about it and posted videos.

All of these posts have received a lot of votes from users because these posts are written by people who are actually changing the world by helping people build their homes or feeding them or encouraging kids to study by giving them books and study material.

Write something that will wow users.

2. A lot of people vote for content that is engaging, new and something that entertains them.

Write posts that give something to the reader. It can be a motivational post, a story from your life or analysis of a crypto token.

Give and then you shall receive.

3. Comment

We all write content here in Blurt so that we can gain some tokens and we also love getting positive feedback on our posts.

Imagine you are writing a post about how to make a pizza and posting it on Blurt and if you get a lot of comments then it will make you happy.

And if you do not get any comments then the writers will feel like no one has read their content.

So, make as many comments as possible and encourage everyone to write more.


The conclusion is that the more you give to this platform the more you gain. Writing is a lonely job but social sites such as Blurt make it worth by giving you rewards and the kind of support you get will encourage you to write more.

Posted from https://blurt.live

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Ask not what Blurt can do for you, but what you can do for Blurt - then you may receive your just rewards.

Oh... and buy more BLURT! Kinda, really, absolutely helps :-)

A VERY important point you make here. Been reading up on affirmations and gratitude and how being grateful for everything you have attracts more of the same. Complaining about not getting something for nothing seems to be the way of the world these days.
I did not go to steemit for the money (I had no clue it paid me to the point I never saved my keys so never could access the few coins I earned there). I went to hive a little less clueless and was very grateful for what I got there. Now on Blurt I am clued up, know how to earn and know some people, but I do not want to get into the mindframe of expecting to earn. I will just write when I have something to say, as I've always done but now I will be especially grateful for anything I get for it. Like @rycharde below said, expect nothing and be grateful when you get something.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Expect nothing and you shall be happy.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

In my opinion, the third point is the most important, because comments help you build relationships and make you visible. Then you post and they will see you, they will come to your post organically, they will leave comments, some votes and you will be trending. Very hard work, but it will pay off. Thank you very much for the information, a hug.

En mi opinión, el tercer punto es el más importante, porque los comentarios te ayuda a crear relaciones y te hacen visible. Luego publicas y te veran, llegaran a tu publicación de manera orgánica, dejaran comentarios, algunos votos y serás tendencia. Un trabajo muy arduo, pero dará resultados. Muchas gracias por la información, un abrazo

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Right - and so long as the comments are meaningful, and not just begging bowls.

I started with nothing on Steem and it struck me as staggeringly obvious that the only way to move forward was for me to introduce myself - and the easiest is to leave meaningful comments. First 2 months, I made more on comments than posts - many other people have had the same experience.

some posts I thunk are easier to interact with to be fair, like I find it hard to put much on a painting or photograph other than I like it lol without some cheesy line about the colour red contrasting against the orange. Written posts are much easier to engage with

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Yeah, not many artists enjoy a good banter - maybe Ron Throop is a rare exception, as he is also rare in actually adding some (a)musings.
What can you say to a painting? "Can you make one in blues?" ;-)
Actually, I know quite a bit about art history, but artists can be so precious! haha - I await an outcry!

yeah haha I mean some artists the whole bit behind the art is the writing and then some (myself included) prefer to just paint what I feel / channel and leave it up to the viewer to interpret. Soemteims I really have something to write about with the image but sometimes to be forced to try and write feels so fake and weird and like I am just doing it so I get more money.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Sure, but going back to your original comment about commenting, does this also mean that artists tend not to comment on each other's works? ditto photographers.

Maybe they need a different style of communication. lol. a clickbaity fragment :-)

Many years ago I had funding from the Gulbenkian as part of their science/art collab projects. Was interesting, but I figured those artists were quite cerebral in how they constructed their art - altho this did include composers/musicians, which was also amusing. Musical rhetoric on harpsichord v organ v piano is a problem of both maths and emotions ;-)

I’m thinking about this it’s quite a conundrum and I’m wondering if it’s because artists are very visual on the whole and so apart from those artists who are more wordy and more do a visual to accompany the art or a 50-50 type artist themselves can look at a picture or present a picture and that’s enough, they just get it visually, without words, whereas the general public analyse more with words? Sometimes I find that people actually say things about my art in a way that I could never write, but it’s like they can take my visualisation and put it into words which I cannot.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I'm not sure I buy the "I am more visual" trope, as it is not the same as "I am ONLY visual" = otherwise artists would never be able to go shopping. lol.

I once taught a kid who knew zero English - we could communicate via maths symbols astonishingly effectively!

I do understand the posture of not wishing to elaborate - I still think there is an issue here within a paying attention platform ;-)
Like I said, I appreciate your reblurts as they save me a lot of time.

I personalyl comment on lots of peoples artwork and I curate a lot but I do struggle to say much lol, I guess I just like it cause I feel it, or it speaks to me not for an analytical reason, perhaps none arty people can analyse why they like it easier.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I've noticed - the reblurts are really useful to me (and my other accounts) to slowly expand my follows. :-)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I had the same story in steem. I was one of the most active commenters, but when everything turned to proof of stake, I've seen people more turning their mind to that. So, only people with stake were interesting to them. And that what killed proof of brain in steem. We should do everything here to support proof of brain and #dcc is a solution I bring to the table. It's of course created on hive-engine, but the idea is to support content in blurt as well. You can read about it here : Bringing DCC to BLURT !. I didn't yet promote it among blurt users, but I hope people will start noticing it soon. That could be a good solution for those who are looking for votes.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I don't think I will have a problem with patience myself, but there is an expectation.
We may want to continue from where we started, albeit slowly, by making progress.
There is a feeling of failure when each content is supported by similar people and similar figures and no progress is seen.
It is not easy to deal with this feeling while writing, I find the fault in myself, not in those who do not vote, and it can turn into a factor that reduces motivation.
Progress with baby steps is not a problem personally, it continues in my development anyway.
At the beginning, I had no thought of writing it down and converting my earnings to a fixed monthly income, I'm ready to not blurt it for more than a year and convert it all to BP.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

That's great. I would like those who think about votes to take you as an example. I'm glad you joined blurt with my help. We need here more people like you. I understand that feeling very much, but people should also know that we have a long story behind blurt. We are early steem adopters and we did everything there to grow and we were downvoted. We lost a lot of time and energy and blurt now become like a heaven for us. I think all those who are getting good votes from each post are getting them because they deserve it. Of course newcomers may feel something like you mentioned. But they also have to know that the success don't come right away, it should be deserved. And you are deserving it by your activity and staking. I think they should show that they want to build their account, but not only to milk the system. Most of us here have a good experience and I think we all want people to bring value first, before asking for return. For example I started the initiative #dcc and no one of those who are aking for votes noticed it. There is a great solution for them all. I wrote about it here : Bringing DCC to BLURT !. Maybe you can start participating in the initiative and help me make it famous on blurt ? I'll do my best to support those who will be active in #dcc. I think it will help a lot of people here.

Sometimes it's hard to find those people who need support, that's why votes maybe spent on people we know. But if those who need votes will be active commenting like you do, we usually move to their content to support. And the more active they will be, the more chance they will have to be noticed. So, not their posts what give them votes, but their activity. You can't imagine how active we were all in steem to build the connection we built. Of course, we shouldn't be only supporting each other, but those who need votes they need to do something to be seen by us. Otherwise, how we can find them to reward ? How we can know them that they exist ?

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I would definitely be happy to participate.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Best thing is to increase our engagement...When you can give something for blurt...Blurt ill give you what you deverse..

you really do have to build communities and engage as well as post I would say is number one and add value worth upvoting. One little iPhone pic might go down well as a one off but if thats all people are doing they better have a lot of friends lol

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

You have to write well, interact and above all be patient learn about the platform those are good ways to get into the platform, enjoy the content and not just the possible reward!!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

@imransoudagar your point in this posts trumps it all. Lack of patience is a 'cog in the wheel' of our development. Most times we onboard on blogs and we want to be where others have laboured over the years relentlessly to be. I always tell my folks on blurt that I got signed up on blurt just February 2022 and am not in a haste to be up there. What am devoted to do now is to write quality content, engage with people and communities, comment meaningfully, participate in contest and tag along with those who have been onboard before me. I am not thinking withdrawals in the next one year, yeah, one year. Perhaps am just a different guy 👦.

More so, this reminds me of a line in JayZ's song with Mr. Hudson titled 'Forever Young'. The line reads: "Hoping for the best but expecting the worst". I take so much solace in that line, I hope for the best but I expect the worse, in this way, I am consciously not disappointed when I don't get what I need but what I want.

I can't agree less with you @imransoudagar. This is a great piece. Let's keep it real because blurt is the future.

Cheers to creative content.
Cheers to patience.
Cheers to meaning engagements.
Cheers to the future.
Cheers to blurt because blurt is the future.

Peace ✌ ☮ and life 🙏.

Congratulations, your post has been curated by @dsc-r2cornell. You can use the tag #R2cornell. Also, find us on Discord

Manually curated by Blessed-girl

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Felicitaciones, su publicación ha sido votada por @ dsc-r2cornell. Puedes usar el tag #R2cornell. También, nos puedes encontrar en Discord

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Congratulations, your post has been curated by @techclub

Manually curated by @samhenrytenplus

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Follow @techclub for more updates and use tag #techclub for tagging content

you can also delegate to @techclub to support curation

  ·  3 years ago  ·  


Posted from https://blurt.live

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Esto es lo más difícil en los blogs crear una comunidad, yo aún no he aprendido a hacerlo

Hello @imransoudagar Thank you for mentioning our charity donations on your post. We hope to do more in future. We are grateful for your support sir
Thank you for sharing such great content!
We are happy you posted in #blurtconnectBlurt to the moon 🌕You can delegate any amount of Blurt power to @blurtconnect-ng
This post has been upvoted manually by @chibuzorwisdomblurtconnect.gifPlease help support this curation account.

Also, keep in touch with Blurtconnect-ng family on Telegram and Whatsapp

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I hope you will consider as well my initiative Bringing DCC to BLURT ! when you write such posts. I would like #dcc to be famous on blurt as well. The idea is to promote others. So, anyone can find someone to promote and prove that he/she curated such content. I wrote everything in the post. Now I ask people to write about blurt and to promote someone wrote already about it. So, by checking #blurt tag they will find the content they like to promote with the author of course. Add a quote to the best part they like it and here we go. I check #dcc tag every day and I will support those who will do the promotion. I may even support promoted post if it's not supported. I hope you will help me to promote this idea. I'm just starting this in blurt and I need someone to know about it.

Thank you for bringing this Idea in Blurt. I'll check your post and learn what it is all about.

Posted from https://blurt.live