in powerclub •  2 years ago 

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Today we’ll be talking about one of the most dedicated and serving community on blurt which is Powerclub

@powerclub is been run by 3 witnesses by name @zahidsun, @imransoudagar @kamranrkploy with their unique skills and ability.

Powerclub organizes contests, do giveaways and other amazing activities to keep not only their community busy but also blurt a place to be.

@powerclub has an initiative tagged the INSTANT BLURT DISPENSER

What is this and how does it help individuals??

Instant Blurt Dispenser is a service where Power Club gives you free liquid Blurt so that you can post, comment and upvote.
We want to give back to the community and help newbies write awesome content. We have kept the details simple and easy for everyone. Anyone who needs some liquid Blurt can get some by upvoting and commenting down here.


You can read more about the IBD project on their account @powerclub

You can vote for all three witnesses to be your witness on blurt through the witness portal

Thank you for reading.

If you enjoy what we do, kindly show some love by upvoting and reblogging 😇.

It’s an Honor to serve you on blurt.

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Hi, @be-connected,

Thank you for your contribution to the Blurt ecosystem.

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