After reading this post made by @builderofcastles on hive Blockchain, I was triggered by some points that gave me the urge to make this short post. Now I don't mean triggered in the wrong way but one that gave motivation for something positive.
Here it is:
I will give it to him that he makes some great points but his literature is packed filled with what Eric WhoRU Williams termed "Rat Poison".
What is Rat poison?
Rat poison is the toxic substance within the literature of man that benefits the illusion of authority. An example is that which is in the title in quotes in today's post.
This post is my attempt to point out that poison in hopes that those that may see will be able to differentiate the lie from the truth. To separate the wheat from the chaff.
But first we must understand the grounds in which this poisonous literature is built upon.
In "The most dangerous superstition", Larken Rose goes over this issue remarkably well.
The punchline:
To put this fact into math let us recognize that 0+0=0.
Anything that accepts the belief in authority is to believe that zero plus zero is greater than zero. This is the foundation of the belief on "government". Nothing but an illusion.
To illustrate this as I have in previous posts in these LOC series, we can not give that which we don't have. And that which you do not have is the ethical and moral right to be a slave owner, make another a slave, and delegate someone else to be a slave owner for yourself and your neighbors. Yes mean to every else too.
Much as the bankers that "offer" you "property"(legal tender bank notes) in exchange for real tangible property ie, a lean on your house for paper currency, Ie. a loan. A property for a property for the chance that you don't pay back the loan.
However the loan they give you is printed "out of thin air" meaning that it has no real value. It's based on debt. It's fraud. The "bill" itself are a glorified I.O.U.'s
See this video hosted on Odyssey for further simple explanation on how banks operate.
The biggest scam in human history.
Now that you know how fake money is, let's move back to the subject at hand. The foundation of what "government" is built upon.
You need to really open your third eye here Neo and recognize that you own yourself and do not and cannot own another. Just as you can have the right to decide how gets to live as your next door neighbor, applying it worldwide, you do not have the right to decide who gets to cross the imaginary borders of your supposed country.
And what is a country without it's borders? Without authority?
In today's world, and in yesterday's but hopefully soon not tomorrow's, it is nothing short of the fence that keep the cattle in regulations of inflows and outflows.
To do that you need the sheep themselves to believe in "govern|ment". This way they can have their armed thugs to force their control over the people at certain points.
A country is defined by its borders and its borders define where the line is drawn in the sand as orders given by their masters. In short, a country are slave plantations at a grand scale.
Donald Trump wants to buy Greenland for example. Think about that for minute. The people living as private civilians at the plantation "Greenland" will not get to have a say in whether they want their own private land sold by "the state".
This is a clear telling that you do not own your own property.
What is property and can ot be private? These are topics that we can cover at a later date but if you can fathom that there is no authority you will see the truth for yourself that there is no private property for anyone, including the elotes 🌽.
Private property is a social construct. No one is bound to follow it but because most people have conscious they are capable of following principles on ethics. Such as thou shalt nay take from another from who|me which he has in possession and taken care of without his consent. Don't use force onto others to follow your cult ideas, voters for oppression. Speaking of votes.
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Votes in the political arena.
Any cotes that support the extortion of others, the enslavement of others, and even ones that encourage the plunder of any people's property "for the greater good", or "for muh country", is a criminal act. Such as votes to pass statutes and codes, votes for taxes, votes on political leaders such as police chiefs, presidents, senators, etc are also criminal to do so.
I've already explained it above but I'll say it again. You don't have the right to force your will onto others. So therefore you have no authority. It's a myth. And you can not delegate a right you don't have but you can certainly delude yourself into believing otherwise but the math of the matter remains the same.
Your failure to comprehend that governments everywhere are organized terrorists isn't helping humanities future to have a growth in prosperity, liberty and happiness. Statism nay the superstition called authority, is the most anti human cult mindset to have that has been won the reason on why it has the most humans killed in all of human history ever.
Being evil IS its entire nature. By "it" mean government and on this sentence by government Iean all those that call themselves it and works for the cult etc.
So when I read this
Government doesn't have to be evil
I smelled rat poison in the air.
Let me give several transliteration of that quote.
- The cartels doesn't have to be evil (there's a reason their called cartels)
- Satan doesn't have to be evil
- The mind control doesn't have to be evil (this is to show how brain washed one still is. Lose your cult. Clean your head. Read more books)
Of you still think you can delegate authority over me or anyone else then answer these 5 simple question then answer this, by what evidence do you rely on that your laws, statutes, codes, constitution, doctrines, dogmas actually apply to me or anyone else regardless of theirs or mine location in public?
Do you see a number greater than zero after the equal sign?
It's okay if you don't. The important part is to be humble and ethical or kind and honest to everyone is enough to stop the forces of evil ten fold from spreading into your own heart, in my opinion. No this doesn't mean to not be too kind that you let yourself be robbed and put into danger. By all means have a sword young knight and defend yourself and loved ones and for the rights of others.
A right not exercised is a right waiting to be taken away. Much as a muscle not exercised will tend to develop permanent damage if given the time. It's just not a positive thing to do. Don't forget your brain is also a muscle. Even though no one likes hard work and thinking is the hardest of them all.
As if the criminal minded one will listen to you. They're not even following their own codes, because they have none, much less will they listen to codes and statutes. Ah but the criminals know you will so they seek the power to write their own, or pay millions to get it done for them so they can keep plundering the fruits of your labor and freedoms.
Now let's look at more from builderofcastles's post.
Many, at least those who had a glimpse of anarchist literature, or literature pointing out the evils of govern-cement, like 1984, Brave New World or Gulag Archipelago, believe that govern-cement is inherently evil. However, it doesn't have to be. But, but, it will probably change its name to something like "The Great Council", "Protectorate"…
Does it matter what the gang calls themselves? Will that change their nature of what they are?
The answer is of course no because their foundational principals rely on your compliance, your belief that you need them to rule over you which is not even ethical by a very long shot. Appointing new leaders doesn't change that either. The very prime function of governance is to govern. To control. A government is mind control. You even recognize this in your next paragraph!
I feel the need to ask, do you think your above their mind control? Because you go from accepting it's delusional reality to going back into the cesspool in the next moment.
However this is remarkably good in my eyes because I see that as we are only human and doing our best, it shows to me that one wants to escape and that soul is reaching out for help.
Hence why I started this series. Hopefully overtime I get better this.
The point is, yes it is mind control. Yes it is a fictional deity. Yes it is an worldwide organized crime syndicate controlled by few very evil and ridiculously stupid powerful wealthy families. And even though they may have power now, all it would take for it all to go tomorrow is for you to say I won't.
People will argue that we do not need govern-ment
Some people will argue we need Santa for Christmas to work but I won't argue with them. Let them believe what they want. Some kids figure it out as they grow older but even today many adults still believe in mythical creatures and fictitious deitys.
Of course I can keep explaining this a million times but I can't understand it for you even once. That's not my responsibility to think for you. But I do find it my intellectual responsibility to tell the truth the best I can.
If by now you can't fathom that you don't have the right to make me obey you and all the other unethical think you have to do what your masters tell you to do unto me for not obeying, then please don't pretend to be pro freedom because to advocate for government is nothing to do with freedom but to control.
Now there's this belief that most people need government because they can't govern themselves. This is a blatant lie. Almost everyone goes Over 90% of our their lives without government telling them what to do.
You don't have government tell you when to wake up, when to brush your teeth, how to drive a nail into the wood, how to spread concrete, how to drive a plane, a car, etc. We don't need them to build any of those things such as cellphones, radio towers, anything. Why? Because government, as a deity, aka Santa Claus doesn't exist.
We are already living in a world without government. Hence why anarchy isn't just denying the existence of authority, it very well knows it cannot be a real thing. So what we have then is thugs who call themselves that which is no different than thugs calling themselves bloods and crips or Ms 13, etc. The only difference is, the gang called government is ahead of the game because they tricked the masses into believing we need them and thus built a secret religion around their order for the masses to follow.
People will argue that we do not need govern-ment, however, we are not all self governing, so we need a system in which we punish destructive and hurtful actions. Or, protect good people from bad people.
I won't argue, I shown it above. It's impossible to have it even if we needed it. Authority simply cannot exist. And any logical think and rational explanations will quickly expose the lie. Authority can not be.
Any system established under this belief will lead to more of the same of what we have now. Oppression and more control freaks in power benefiting from the plebs.
You want to protect the good people, then support their freedom to protect themselves. Get a sword.
Unfortunately, or current structure of govern-cement is such that it will always be controlled by sociopaths / full blown narcissists, and that is like having the bad people protect the bad people.
As I said multiple times already, any structure Andy system, that requires the superstition called authority is anti human, anti good, anti God. Even if it starts off with good people, the bad will instantly jump to the occasion and benefit from its already founded in corruption principles of control over others. "Do as we say or else. It's for your own good" said by only every tyrant ever.
Govern-cement is run by the most evil… so of course it is evil
No. Government isn't evil because it is run by evil people. The idea of having a government is entirely from the inside out from top to bottom and underneath it, evil. Having good people running it will not change its fake foundation.
Since we need some kind of way of governing people. While there are still bad guys. While there are still people who cannot self regulate. We will need some kind of structure to deal with them.
Tell me your in support of tyranny without saying it.
Most already do govern themselves. Except for children because they lack the experience but they need proper families not government. Again since it cannot and will not exist, what the hell do you actually want? You want power yourself?
The best power to have is one of self control. Consider meditation. Not applying for positions of power or to vote for a restructuring of the current status quo.
More sources to look into
The world looks much clearer when you take the authority glasses off.
2 votes
Spot on!
Yayo, I wish I could meet you irl at this next anarchapulco 2025 here in acapulco next month. It's nice to hang out with like-minded people.
Stop voting, people!
Every time you vote for more government, you get a LOT more government.
Thank you!
I Wish I could go to the event but I am nowhere near prepared to travel that far. I've seen video clips here and there of the events taken place. Maybe next year if this year gives me good enough fortune then I'll take the opportunity to go. Glad you enjoyed the post, I had great teachers.
I'll get you pics and Swag...

Eventually 🥓
Namaskar Ken 🙏
I will gladly take his place
I reached out to Jeff about this recently because of TZLA.Club and my need to open a treatment clinic in Tiajuana near the Ibogaine treatment resort. I think its urgent that we have Voluntary Anarchist Old Folks homes where people of age or experience can live RANGE Free in mutual business co-ops, to deal with Leagal Name Corporate Commercialisms ... Its less tedious than it sounds.
For a Start, I have something of a New Mexico version of Anarcopulco out here in NEW Mexico where we've organized many conventions of the same caliber. And i have been taking over a small village community of several thousand "ctitzens" who are politically and consumer active. Perfect nesting location for the acreage i have accumulated for a Cult compound of my own design.
Im sure if you reached out to Jeff he would remember OUR interactions with John McAffee and other characters who were caught up in NWO action circa 2015_2016. I invited him to zoom but i know how busy we all are. Just keep this between US and i know the best results are on the way.
PS: I will of course LiveStream services to Yayo and others when i get out to An-Pulco in Feb.
Highest Regards Bruv
Awesome! Well, if you are ever around, we'll get you all setup here with a place to stay etc, no worries. My 2-bedroom apartment right on the beach here is $498/month so staying here long term too for anyone interested is very reasonable. Utilities are quite cheap too.
The Blurt chatroom (open to everyone) is here by the way:
The site supports livestreaming too if you ever want to use it. It syndicates your streams out over multiple networks too.
I LOVE your idea of opening a healing clinic with the tzla device. Combine that with naturopathic advice, fasting and healing services, and you'll be putting doctor's clinics out of business pretty quick, so be careful, surround yourself with locals, donate here and there, etc.
In Lak'ech and Namaste to you as well amigo Frank, chat soon! :)

Chambered 🌮