RE: Inflation must be reduced

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Inflation must be reduced

in polish •  2 years ago 

They dont care about worth , they care about quantity they own ( printing more and more for free in their pockets )
and puppets liars they pay crumbles and used to bring more blind investors ..
( keeping price of coin to a certain level for them to have a decent salary per month and keep on printing ..under 1c is enough when you own 200M blurt or more in long term , new goal is to own 90% of the coin , cause they messed up that part in the beginning , to be fully protected ) this is all a mafia cult ( with more scammers trying to enter it to have a piece of the cake )
Only Employees and founders powerdown ( only them make money )
Quantity of blurt vs quality of price feed only few ( the mafia )

Keeping the price to a certain level by bringing more blind investors .
They chosed the 3 perfect scammers .


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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

"printing more and more for free in their pockets"

Can you please explain this point, and help me also see where this is happening? I would like to understand exactly how BLURT is being printed (aside from the obvious post/comment payouts, and the 2.4% interest rate on BP). Who is creating BLURT for free, out of thin air?

Once I understand the problem, I might be able to suggest some potential solutions. Thank you!

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Everyone was looking for you ! :D

You can start reading those posts and ask questions to the people who pin point those problems from start ( and no one listen or bully them )
@ctime @mariuszkarowski @mmmmkkkk311 @double-u
Weirdly enough ...the Largest investors who actually paid for their coin
I did too and so did few others in large quantity
And a lot more in small quantity
Showing how people buy the lie of investment ( in a ponzy scheme )

With those facts , lets not call blurt a decentralized platform , but rather a lucrative ponzy scheme for a little group of people ...( founders and employees )
Using / abusing an inflationary coin for their own good , blatantly lying and playing victims ( saying they regret they created blurt when they see so much hate towards them shit ) and dont even spend their time in blurt since they own/ manage other projects and spend all their time in those .
Employees are working also in many other platforms and projects