Last Witness Blog

in polish •  3 years ago 

If you want to read simply the conversations from the witness tag before I got kicked off, come on down. If you want my story, you can read the text :P

Some may remember me from Steem. Generally what I've been doing since 2017 is supporting the Polish community on Steem. I curated posts (worked with donkeypong and OCD), wrote various projects (e.g. SteemNova game, DGameShop game store, DGameMarket game market), various small bots that helped people, SteemDer dating service ( and much more. I may not be the best user in the world, but I did my best all the time. I tried to develop Steem as much as I could, but unfortunately the Polish community has terrible witnesses and due to the fact that the election of witnesses on Steem (now Hive) is rigged, I didn't go that way.

I never visited Blurt, although I heard about it. Once I decided to see how the project was developing, I noticed that the Polish community was building up on Blurt. I decided to write to them and they happily offered me to develop the project with them. That's how I started writing Blurt2LN, CrossPoster and recently a project to create accounts (probably because of what happened I will not finish it, but you can see what I have - The project was to be able to create an account on Blurt without knowing anyone or paying, and the money to pay for the accounts was to come from upvotes and grants.

I finally felt that I could develop the network the way I wanted and with the encouragement of the community I became a witness. My goal was never to scam people, but to develop the platform independently, which was not possible on other blockchains.

When the action to decentralize Blurt came up, I supported it, but gradually. I believed that Blurt Foundation needed to go away, but not right away, but gradually give the field back to the community. Unfortunately, I was wrong and this cancer needs to be removed as soon as possible.

Jeśli chcesz przeczytać po prostu rozmowy z tagu witness zanim mnie wyrzucili, zejdź na dół. Jeśli chcesz moją historię, możesz przeczytać tekst :P

Niektórzy może pamiętają mnie ze Steem. Ogólnie to co robiłem od 2017 to wsparcie Polskiej społeczności na Steem. Kurowałem posty (współpracowałem z donkeypong i OCD), pisałem różne projekty (np. grę SteemNova, sklep z grami DGameShop, market z grami DGameMarket), różnego rodzaju drobne boty, które pomagały ludziom, serwis randkowy SteemDer ( i wiele więcej. Nie jestem może najlepszym użytkownikiem na świecie, ale cały czas się starałem. Starałem się rozwijać Steem na ile potrafiłem, ale niestety Polska społeczność ma fatalnych witnessów, a z powodu tego, że wybory witnessów na Steem (teraz Hive) są ustawione, nie szedłem w tę stronę.

Na Blurt nigdy nie wchodziłem, chociaż słyszałem o nim. Raz postanowiłem zobaczyć jak projekt się rozwija i zauważyłem, że Polska społeczność buduje się na Blurt. Postanowiłem do nich napisać, a oni szczęśliwi zaproponowali, bym rozwijał projekt razem z nimi. Tak zacząłem pisać Blurt2LN, CrossPoster, a ostatnio projekt do zakładania kont (prawdopodobnie z powodu tego, co się stało nie skończę go, ale możecie zobaczyć co mam - Projekt zakładał, że będzie można założyć konto na Blurt bez znajomości, ani płacenia, a środki na opłacenie kont miały pochodzić z upvoteów i dotacji.

Wreszcie poczułem, że mogę rozwinąć sieć jak chcę i za namową społeczności zostałem witnessem. Moim celem nigdy nie było scamowanie ludzi, a rozwój platformy w sposób niezależny, co nie było możliwe na innych blockchainach.

Kiedy pojawiła się akcja decentralizacji Blurta, poparłem to, ale stopniowo. Uważałem, że Blurt Foundation musi odejść, ale nie od razu, ale stopniowo oddawać pole społeczności. Niestety pomyliłem się i trzeba ten nowotwór usunąć jak najszybciej.
















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  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

So Megaego IS taking advice from the very people that despise blurt. Wow. I was not wrong in removing my vote from him. Lucylin should file for harrasment from megadrive with his obsession to remove him all because of his two faced (opidia) is crying for help. She dug her own hole.

And if she got paid 1mill blurt from the dao i demand a real explanation.

No proof of bullying made by lucyline, just their obscured biased views.

lucylin is not a bully. Telling the truth (with humor) is not bullying. All of this is just because of opidia has some sort "thing" with megadrive. Nor is lucylin trolling. You have nothing to back that up Your idea of what trolling and bullying is is very obscured it seems. Lucylin is not seeking out opidia. Nor any other user for the purpose to bully them. He points out falsehoods, lies, and anywhere where people are being dishonest. These users complain about their feelings because truth is being laid out to them and they can't handle the truth. Typical left brained idiots will obviously call that bullying. Literally fuck their feelings. The truth never cared about it and neither should we.

If anyone is a bully it is megadrive!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

And if she got paid 1mill blurt from the dao i demand a real explanation.

Key word there is "if".

Interesting to see how a lie gets spread, believed, morphed, expanded, believed again... without ever checking the facts. Do your brain a favour and go find some evidence. It's better for your health than being triggered.

Then your "demand" will be self-satisfied.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

You just answered it. Its a lie. Its good to know. I never took it as fact. Hence the if. Thank you though. :)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

OK, thanks, but please verify it, else is one belief against another.

There are transfers from myself, but those were OTC trades, not payments for any services. Precisely because BLURT liquidity has always been on the low side, an OTC swap, if two parties can agree, is an established way to not affect the market. Happens every day.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I'll do better next time.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

But there is also a witness on Hive. Maybe it's a deal along the lines of - destroy Blurt, you get votes for Hive.

Because I know of no other explanation. Blurt wasn't perfect, but he was growing.

Posted from

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I dont see a problem with the foundation gone. Blurt can take another hit if need be even when it is down, we can dtill bring it back up afterward. Sure it may take a while and blurt isnt the only way to communicate. AND people tend to do amazing things at the precipice of doomsday.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I seriously wonder why Megadrive is a hive witness when his main focus should be Blurt. Why keep it active and pay attention to it @megadrive?

  ·  3 years ago  ·  


  ·  3 years ago  ·  








  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I'm not responsible for other people, so I don't know why you're posting this, but I'll ask it another way.

Let's assume this is all true. What does that change in the context of Blurt, on which there are no Bidbots (at least officially) and downvotes?

Posted from

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

You tell me.

You said the Foundation needed to “go away” ….

So that Ctime could take control ??? Who would run Blurt ? You ?


  ·  3 years ago  ·  

In a decentralized network, no one can take control

Posted from

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Who does all the work ? Is it Magic ?

Who does all the hard work ? You ?

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

You don’t dismantle the foundation of a house and hope that something else magically comes along to hold it up.

Do you ?

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

You've probably heard of Bitcoin. Do you know of any Bitcoin Foundation that wields power? And if not, why not?

The quintessential decentralization is the absence of power. I'm sorry you think you need authority in cryptocurrencies. There are projects that have abandoned it or never had it and exist.

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

Then go there. Decentralization is a Failure. It will not work. Anarchy does not work.

You, Ctime, MK, double-u, Yvonne-b, … go create your own new Decentraland…

Let’s see if you can do it.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Yet the most popular cryptocurrency is Bitcoin, not Blurt.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

rychard has a post about decentralization and is a must read.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

anarchy does work and has always been working. you obviously do not know what it is it seems. go read the most dangerous superstition for a better clarity as to what it is.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

You destroyed Blurt buddy. Thanks.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Lol no. He didnt. And its not destroyed. Seriously you need to do your own research.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

The foundation was suppose to look for a replacement anyways that will help blurt continue to grow. This has not happened. Blurt needs to lose their dependency on one sole entity and have it more controlled by the community rather than just one source of power.

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

Very Interesting.

Kind of like a parasitoid.


  ·  3 years ago  ·  

ill have to look into that book. never seen it before. thankyou for recommendation.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

It’s kind of the same idea… move into Blurt, buy stake, and then kill the original Founders and developers .. and Take over

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Who takes over and runs everything then ? Does it run itself ? Is it all Free ?

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

it should run itself by consensus calls and consensus voting. but since this is pos, its game of thrones all the way.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

So your big plan was to have Blurt Foundation (developers) just leave ?

Who would run everything ?

You ?


  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Me, you and other people. Anyone who will.

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

And what about all the original developers ?

Dissolve them. ?

Kind of like a parasitoid ?


  ·  3 years ago  ·  

If you make a project available to the public under a Free and Open Source license you are agreeing to its public use by others. This is why Blurt exists, which is a fork of Steem. Dan Larimer, when writing Steem, wrote an agreement (a license) that anyone can use the project and develop it as they wish.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Where is Dan Larimer ?

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Now I think he's developing EOS, but beyond that - I don't know.

Posted from

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Go there then.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

So are you admitting that Blurt is centralized? I can see for myself that you would like to have power over users.

Thank you, solid evidence

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

Of what exactly ?

The fact you wanted to simply have the foundation and all its developers just quit ?

go away


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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Jak wrócę z roboty to sobie to przejrzę (o ile nie usuną). Na telefonie nie mam Discorda, a nie chce mi się ściągać.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Wrzuciłem w tym poście

te screeny. Ogólnie na discord ludzie się zastanawiają co robić i jak żyć dalej :P