BlurtSafe Proposal

in polish •  2 years ago 

Overall, Blurt's valuation appears to be falling to zero. This is very bad news for holders. There are a couple of projects that may allow Blurt to survive, but I wonder what your position is on this.

I have described this project in general before, but it is possible that I will be implementing it soon.

The idea is to link Blurt to Steem in terms of price protection. What I'm working on is creating an architecture to get the funds to buy Steem (and Hive?), putting this into various interest bearing projects for which Blurts will eventually be bought and burned.

This seems like a potentially terrible idea as it could end up dumping Blurts. Reality. However, let's assume two scenarios.

Strong dumping of Blurt will lead to death.

It is possible that it will not be profitable to own Blurt and this will lead to the death of the project. Terrible scenario. However, it seems to me that interest in Blurt is slowly growing and while the price may indeed fall, this will not defeat Blurt and it will consolidate from the community side over time.

And ultimately ... Blurt will survive anything

If we assume that Blurt is not a project that will collapse in a year, but will, for example, survive for 10 years, this means so much that eventually the projects in which BlurtSafe would invest funds would start to generate passive income (unless Steem and Hive collapse, of course),and this will ultimately increase the price of the project. Because we will easily have surplus amounts with which to buy tokens from exchanges - and burn them. Which may not increase the price globally (as long as inflation is high), but will reduce it.

Do you have any idea how to do this?

Yes, very clever :P I will present it in the future. However, I would like to know your opinions on this kind of project, because I have several of them and their aim is not only to increase the price of Blurt and secure the project, but also to increase its usability significantly.

In turn, this means that we will be creating contracts with other projects in finance, shops and so on. That is, we will have to join from the last league to the first. However, the question is whether you are able to trust me and follow me.

Ogólnie wycena Blurta wydaje się spadać do zera. Jest to bardzo zła informacja dla holderów. Jest parę projektów, które mogą pozwolić przetrwać Blurtowi, ale zastanawiam się jakie jest Wasze stanowisko na ten temat.

Ogólnie ten projekt opisywałem już wcześniej, ale możliwe, że niedługo będę go wprowadzał w życie.

Chodzi o powiązanie Blurta ze Steem w zakresie ochrony ceny. To nad czym pracuję to stworzenie architektury pozwalającej na zdobycie środków na kupno Steem (i Hive?), włożenie tego w różne projekty przynoszące oprocentowanie za które będą ostatecznie skupowane i palone Blurty.

Wydaje się to być potencjalnie strasznym pomysłem, bo może skończyć się dumpowaniem Blurta. Prawda. Załóżmy jednak dwa scenariusze.

Mocne dumpowanie Blurta doprowadzi do śmierci.

Jest to możliwe, że nie będzie opłacalne posiadanie Blurta i doprowadzi to do śmierci projektu. Straszny scenariusz. Wydaje mi się jednak, że zainteresowanie Blurt powoli rośnie i o ile cena może faktycznie spadać, o tyle to nie pokona Blurta i z czasem się umocni od strony społeczności.

I ostatecznie ... Blurt przetrwa wszystko

Jeśli zakładamy, że Blurt to nie jest projekt, który upadnie za rok, a np. przetrwa 10 lat, to oznacza to tyle, że ostatecznie projekty w które BlurtSafe by zainwestował środki, zaczęłyby generować pasywny dochód (oczywiście o ile Steem i Hive nie upadną),a to spowoduje ostatecznie zwiększenie ceny projektu. Gdyż w łatwy sposób będziemy mieli nadwyżki kwotowe, za które kupimy tokeny z giełd - i spalimy je. Co może nie spowoduje globalnie wzrostu cen (o ile inflacja będzie wysoka), ale zmniejszy ją.

Czy masz pomysł jak to wykonać?

Tak, bardzo sprytny :P Przedstawię to w przyszłości. Chciałbym znać jednak Wasze opinie na temat tego rodzaju projektów, bo mam ich kilka i ich celem jest nie tylko zwiększenie cen Blurta i zabezpieczenie projektu, ale również znaczne zwiększenie jego użyteczności.

Natomiast to oznacza, że będziemy tworzyć kontrakty z innymi projektami z zakresu finansów, sklepów i tak dalej. Czyli będziemy musieli dołączyć z ostatniej ligi do pierwszej. Jednak pytanie czy jesteście w stanie mi zaufać i podążyć za mną.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

It great to look for options .... problem here is deaf ears for many reasons

Write how it would look like. Here is "Blurt Price" problem

Too many people getting too much free Blurt for doing nothing

Strong dumping of Blurt will lead to death

I would let BLURT price drop to the bottom, this way "foundation" will learn that multiplication of "fake/printed stake" leads to disaster

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

There are many possibilities, this one seems appropriate to me.

Issue Blurt bonds, for which a group of people (high-trust individuals need to be identified) will receive Blurts to invest in various projects.

After investing in the projects, all you have to do is wait and control the market. Potentially you can always get the funds back and reinvest the Blurt, so it's not critically high risk. By contrast, in the default plan (unless there is some sort of risk mode), bonds and Blurts can be bought off the market from project interest.

The bonds themselves would be both an important currency for Blurt, as you can create projects (from small to larger ones) in which bonds would be used as, for example, a currency in games, or a bonus system.

Why this? It seems to me that people will be able to want to sponsor projects from which they have a benefit. And this is the assumption I would like to achieve. The project has its flaws, but I think it is reasonably safe.

Posted from

@practicalthought had a similar idea, he sold Blurt and bought something else and he is making money from it. When BLURT falls to the bottom he will buy back and become a millionaire lol

It's better to publish a "Burn Post" with ten comments and burn BLURT every day

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Exactly …. You can earn 20% APR with HBD (Hive Dollars) …. Then use that interest to buy Blurt when it hits Zero. Eventually I will own all the Blurt.

That is what we are doing.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

If Blurt falls to zero it means that more people will be able to buy millions of Blurt and power up many millions of Blurt. So that’s a very good thing. Let Blurt fall to zero. I will buy 100 Million Blurt.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

If it is worth zero why not buy a

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

There are only 478 million Blurt in existence…

. I will buy whatever is available on all the exchanges for zero dollars.

It will be awesome.


Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

What is total supply ?
Almost 40M have been mined in less than 6 months ..not good

Yeah, sell wall on ionomy looks impressive, but this time I'm not getting into it


Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

That is because of blurtlatam issue
Also price going down is making it easy for founders to mine more coin ,
Lowering the price more and more .
We need to know what is total amount created ( not circulation amount )

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Me neither. I’ll buy it at . 00000000001 and lower. …. Moving everything to Bitcoin and HBD until then.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

bitcoin? why?

if its down to zero everyone will buy it - what say i buy it all for .00000000002? then you wouldn't get any... lol

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Ha ha,… Maybe …. Let’s see what happens.
It all depends how you set up your robots on Ionomy and Hive-Engine … 🤖 🤖 🤖

Who has the smartest robots ?

Bitcoin is pretty stable on Ionomy.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

here …. 479 Million.


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

There were 440 million blurt less than 6 months ago
So blurt coin is getting mined , hence my question , we know the circulation amount but not
Total created ...maybe it is 1B , then it will be mined to ZERO $

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Who knows ….


My suggestion:

  • multisig both initblurt and socialgraph accounts
  • stop paying people for doing nothing
  • put initblurt funds on swap pools robinia/tribaldex
  • funds from socialgraph can be used by blurtbooster

    Posted from
  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I dont really understand all this stuff, but you have ideas and oppose the failing status quo so i support you. But im very wary of steemit and hive, they are both viper pits!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Just use robots to buy up all the zero Blurt on Hive-Engine and Ionomy.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

More ideas …

Earn 20% APR with HBD on … use the HBD to buy Blurt for almost $ zero dollars on

Earn 30% APR with delegation to @justyy on and use the Steem to buy Blurt for almost $ zero dollars on

Earn 75 % APR on https://D.Tube and buy Blurt for almost $zero dollars on


Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

The 20% on HBD doesn't seem to work properly from what I've noticed or is billed strangely.

On the other hand, the opportunities are there.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Blurt spada bo spadło zaufanie. Sam wycofałem środki - może nie były duże, ale regularnie starałem się wrzucać nowe. Można na różne sposoby ratować Blurta, ale czy to faktycznie pomoże? Trzeba najpierw naprawić podstawy, a potem dopiero można myśleć o rozwoju.
Zresztą może obecny proces nie jest zły. Ludzie potrafią pisać świetne rzeczy nawet bez wynagrodzenia, dążenie do tego aby płacić ludziom jak najwięcej psuje ideę. Może trzeba pracować nad platformą gdzie tokeny są tylko dodatkiem, a ludzie tworzą społeczność dla przyjemności. Patrz na reddit czy wykop.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Chyba masz rację ...

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