RE: BlurtSafe Proposal

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BlurtSafe Proposal

in polish •  2 years ago 

Write how it would look like. Here is "Blurt Price" problem

Too many people getting too much free Blurt for doing nothing

Strong dumping of Blurt will lead to death

I would let BLURT price drop to the bottom, this way "foundation" will learn that multiplication of "fake/printed stake" leads to disaster

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

There are many possibilities, this one seems appropriate to me.

Issue Blurt bonds, for which a group of people (high-trust individuals need to be identified) will receive Blurts to invest in various projects.

After investing in the projects, all you have to do is wait and control the market. Potentially you can always get the funds back and reinvest the Blurt, so it's not critically high risk. By contrast, in the default plan (unless there is some sort of risk mode), bonds and Blurts can be bought off the market from project interest.

The bonds themselves would be both an important currency for Blurt, as you can create projects (from small to larger ones) in which bonds would be used as, for example, a currency in games, or a bonus system.

Why this? It seems to me that people will be able to want to sponsor projects from which they have a benefit. And this is the assumption I would like to achieve. The project has its flaws, but I think it is reasonably safe.

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@practicalthought had a similar idea, he sold Blurt and bought something else and he is making money from it. When BLURT falls to the bottom he will buy back and become a millionaire lol

It's better to publish a "Burn Post" with ten comments and burn BLURT every day

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  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Exactly …. You can earn 20% APR with HBD (Hive Dollars) …. Then use that interest to buy Blurt when it hits Zero. Eventually I will own all the Blurt.

That is what we are doing.

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