They will keep power, your power
You are part of their power game, division game
They have to do nothing, you are doing everything
They are following the lost script, masses becoming the lost part.
Heart is emotional, they know it's emotional
They play emotional role, deceiving role
They always win, because you are accepting your losing they always win
At the end emotions loses, emotions causes.
Collective humans are persistent beings, devoting beings
False devotion is destruction, collective destruction
Stories narrates about it, stories saw it
Humanity lost it's way, recurring way.
One world is understandable world, controllable world
But life is not a cage, expression don't deserve a cage
Life is expression, not oppression
Idea of war wins, human ego wins.
Crown divides life, meaning of life
Enslavement becomes real, stories becomes real
Life is losing battle, fake battle
Darkness of life, crown is issues of life.
(Pictures are edited and used from the Canva application).
Chiranjeevi Sarikonda
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