BlogHide Reblurtschireerocks in blurt-192372 • 7 months agoHierarchy Of FearStarts from most high, there, high There is beyond too, this fear travels too Up then down, starts from up then down Always travels, always lives. Every page is written through fear, lived…chireerocks in blurt-192372 • 7 months agoLies For AccessLies are sold, easily sold Because of mirror, one mirror Every word is a lie, language of lie Never believe, it's a lie. World is attached with this lie, monetary lie Coming from one…chireerocks in blurt-192372 • 7 months agoScript Is Tired NowScript is narrating it's own story, alone story Script is written by someone else, always someone else It never happens by itself, not driven by self Always choices of others, desires of…chireerocks in blurt-192372 • 7 months agoIgnorant ChoiceCollective consciousness destroyed their world, occupied their world Like they own everything, literally everything Now consequences is here, collective consequences here Equal reaction from…chireerocks in blurt-192372 • 7 months agoRule Of One Step AheadOne step ahead world, cruel world World is revealing it's face, real face Are you seeing what is real? World's face is real Why now? What time is now? One command works everywhere, it's…chireerocks in blurt-192372 • 7 months agoWhen It Makes No SenseFirst point makes no sense, trying to find the sense Found nothing, yet nothing Research is going on, still going on Not stopping soon, no soon. Questions, no solutions No collective…chireerocks in blurt-192372 • 7 months agoSame Game Is PlayedIt happened before, not long before Someone else is repeating now, someone else is choosing now Loss is the game, attractive game Not coming out of it, just ignoring it. Same script is…chireerocks in blurt-192372 • 7 months agoWhen Even Dreams DisappointIt's that realm, not real realm Unexplainable reality, duality Experience is touched, never travelled Same place, one place. Playing many characters, unknown characters Somewhere in…chireerocks in blurt-192372 • 8 months agoCreation In CirclesIt's a circle, spiralling circle This circle determines, rules Not aware, not there Known phenomenon, game is on. Racing unconsciously, living unconsciously Tiring script, old script…chireerocks in poetry • 8 months agoPages Are Left BlankBlank pages are narrating endless stories, not narrated those stories Listen, those pages are loudly speaking, just listen Meaning which travels beyond, understanding beyond To know more, to…chireerocks in blurt-192372 • 8 months agoBusy Like Machine BeingsNo time to look, putting a lock Locked emotions, silent emotions Just talking about numbers, moving numbers Numbers made humans puppets, greater puppets. World became things, too many…chireerocks in blurt-192372 • 8 months agoMore Questions Are AnswersIt's a trend, gradual trend There are more questions now, more doubts now Like something is missing, something is messing Closer to something? Nothing? Closely observing nature, inner and…chireerocks in poetry • 8 months agoWhat Happened Then? And When?It's the start, old start Because of it, it happened, everything happened Old timeline, far away in time, the timeline Just hearing about it, consciousness told about it. The way stories…chireerocks in poetry • 8 months agoSeed Of Fear Planted Long AgoUnknown knew about the fear, nature of fear Fear is created by the unknown, for all beings it's the unknown That's how it greets, meets That's how the work is done, energy work is done. Why…chireerocks in poetry • 8 months agoPoint Is Standing AwayOld understanding is failing in these times, new times New waves, competitive waves Which wave will win? Who is predicting this win? This win is self narrated, everything is self narrated.…chireerocks in poetry • 8 months agoQuestioning Time To Reveal TimeIt's ticking, always ticking It's nature, coded nature What we know about it? When we known about it? It appeared and made us stuck, it's nature is stuck. Travelling through levels…chireerocks in poetry • 8 months agoThey Never Considered ItIt's about line, not long line Line of desire, generational desire Standing there for long, sometimes too long Then that happens, discrimination happens. Stories of greatness, fake…chireerocks in poetry • 8 months agoWho Is Counting?Why this rush? Minds rush? What's there? What's achieving there? No numbers travels, reaches It stands there, here. Decisions, repeating decisions Playing mind games, stuck games…chireerocks in poetry • 8 months agoNight's AnswerNight is blank, night world is blank Easy to walk on it, easy to feel it Because there is nothing, in night understanding is nothing Watching that colour, colourless colour. Night hides…chireerocks in poetry • 8 months agoIt Changes NothingWords, it will not happen, never happen So what? Existence is what? Nothing is absolute, no understanding is absolute Random perception in this random existence, ruined existence.…