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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I haven't studied GNM, no. But I am aware of it. Someone irl asked me if I knew about GNM when I told him the event, and that I had sent that email just an hour before. He'd had a similar event with his heart, and he is in his 30's. Such interesting times medically! Heal thyself. All we need to do is to stop poisoning ourselves.

There is one 5G installation in this town, about half a mile from my house. I try not to drive by it in the center of town there. I know folks are using it for their phones, think it's swell. This is why I hate being in crowded places. Forget about covid, I have never feared that, but radiation? The real killer. All else is distraction, especially that loathsome alien Musk.

you may only see one 5G mast but I heard they are hiding them now in streetlights and even sewage/water lids. My sis sent me some shungite to wear and I already have a bio-frequency pendant. I wear both whenever I leave the house. My house has 3ft stone walls so the emf's can't penetrate.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I have a piece of shungite on most devices, and keep one in my purse. Maybe I should get some more. I don't always have it on my person.

Mine is made into a necklace so it's easy to wear near my heart.