Little Old Lady with The Rona

in plandemic •  3 years ago 

So I had whatever it is that's going around. The thing most of us assume is spread via little demons floating around in the air, the little deadly imps having been deposited there by the simple act of someone else's breathing.

I was suddenly a deadly force!!!

I am also in a couple of so called vulnerable classes. I'm elderly, which in itself is a fucking joke. But the government says so, and I'm collecting social security, so it must be true. I am also not jabbed. By all government pronouncements, I should be good and dead.

It all started with a tiny but irrepressible cough. I knew what it was right off the bat, because I'm pretty sure I had the Rona very early on in the plandemic, late January 2020. I was in a chorus concert at the time, and no one thought it odd that I had shown up for the concert with a fever and a cough. That was back in the days when the show must go on. Back in the days when I still went to doctors, but mostly ignored their advice. Doctor told me "I don't know what it is, but it's not the flu." A few days later, all hell broke loose, worldwide. Yet, not one single member of the chorus got sick subsequently. Not one of the women I had been singing with, a few times that week in a very small crowded room, had to miss the rehearsal the following week. NOT ONE. But that was two years ago, and from the supposedly deadly illness that stopped the world. Back to today.

So here was that tiny irrepressible cough again. By midnight of that day, exactly two weeks ago today, I had chills, fever, dizziness, and was upchucking, but the cough had gone away. I'd previously stocked up on hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, just in case. When I thought about taking them though, something stopped me.

"Why not see what happens if I do nothing?" I thought. So that's what I did - nothing at all. I didn't take any vitamin D. I didn't take any zinc. I did not take quercetin, or vitamin C. I didn't even do what I used to do for flu - echinacea and elderberry.

Instead, I got myself a big bottle of spring water that I had gotten myself from a nearby mountain spring, and got in bed. I took no Tylenol, Sudafed, Nyquil, Robittusin or any other OTC medical substance.

I tried to figure out what made me sick, because I am one of those who thinks virus theory is a bunch of hooey. There have been chemtrails in the skies lately - could it have been those? I've recently moved to a new house, and haven't yet gotten my devices hard wired - could it have been radiation? The food in this town is disgusting, but a gal's gotta eat - had I poisoned myself via ingestion?

I know it had nothing to do with being exposed to a virus - I knew no one who had even a simple cold. I never heard anyone in my presence cough, sneeze or wheeze. Yet there I was, 101 fever, chills, vomiting, and in bed.

One day. I swear to god, I was only really sick for one single day. Granted, I was too sick to do anything at all but sleep for that day. By the next morning, I had no fever and felt considerably better. Yes, I was still sick. I was weak, had no appetite, and a sore throat had appeared. I know from a lifetime of experience that a sore throat after a fever means I will be coughing for a few days to a week from post nasal drip. This time has been no different. But that cough never even kept me awake, and here I am, two weeks later, vulnerable classes and all, completely well.

We've shut down the world to protect the likes of me from an illness I recovered from easily. We have harmed our children to protect the likes of me. We have ruined businesses to protect the likes of me. We have increased homelessness and despair. We have broken up families. We have turned neighbor against neighbor, all to protect the likes of me.

I feel shame.

But I feel fine.


I've been listening to a lot of trucker music. Why not? I can dream that this movement will make a difference, can't I? The deranged governor of NYS has lifted her stupid, illegal, mask mandate - I had begun to think her power trip would never end. Miracles can happen.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

I'm glad you're feeling much better my friend - I've personally known far more people that have had serious side effects from the jab, than whatever is masquerading as covid.

My gran is 94, she is currently ill with it - but has had mild symptoms.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

And the people who have been jabbed have much more trouble with covid, whatever it is, than I did. I know several who are hoping I get really sick, but so far, I'm doing just fine.

I love your gran!!! Go woman, go!

Congratulations. You were not 'sick', your body was having a clear-out. Much needed by the sounds of it and you did it right this time. At our age tho I would have spent a bit longer wallowing in bed and read a few books 😘

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Woman I have been devouring books. I spent most of three days in bed, and took afternoon naps for another week, just to be sure. I have been sucking down good water.
So let me ask you this - I had a bout with what I am calling food poisoning, but it felt a bit like what I imagine a heart attack would feel like. Very painful for hours! Symptoms of heavy metal poisoning. Started suddenly and violently while I was eating some shrimp. I got in bed, only leaving to eliminate from various orifices, and took my pulse regularly, which was steady and strong throughout, although a bit elevated (80 beats per minute - high for me). It tapered off over the next 6 hours or so, and I felt fine by the next day. What do you think that was? I won't go to a doctor. They are fools and drug pushers.

well shrimp are like the flies of the sea, they eat poop. They love to eat from sewage outlets. The black bit you can see in their belly is what they've eaten. How much toxic stuff is in human poop? All those meds everyone takes from aspirin to chemo.
I've been having weird heart feelings too since 2018. I felt like it was heart attack too. I've not had the jabs obvs so wonder if the 5G upgrades are affecting our hearts as they run on frequencies for sure.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I recently got my devices hardwired in the home, and don't use my cell phone much at all. I certainly don't drive around with it. Could be of course, there's lots of radiation wherever we go. I feel very uncomfortable in public places now, when I look around and see everyone sucking wifi into their devices.
I had just, two hours earlier, sent out a letter to my family that I would see them in court. I'm thinking it was some kind of cleansing of family trauma. First time I ever said "No, and I mean it." to my family.

If you're in a town or city ur surrounded by 5G. It's not just from your devices.
You could be right about the cleansing from family trauma tho. have you studied GNM? Sounds like it.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I haven't studied GNM, no. But I am aware of it. Someone irl asked me if I knew about GNM when I told him the event, and that I had sent that email just an hour before. He'd had a similar event with his heart, and he is in his 30's. Such interesting times medically! Heal thyself. All we need to do is to stop poisoning ourselves.

There is one 5G installation in this town, about half a mile from my house. I try not to drive by it in the center of town there. I know folks are using it for their phones, think it's swell. This is why I hate being in crowded places. Forget about covid, I have never feared that, but radiation? The real killer. All else is distraction, especially that loathsome alien Musk.

you may only see one 5G mast but I heard they are hiding them now in streetlights and even sewage/water lids. My sis sent me some shungite to wear and I already have a bio-frequency pendant. I wear both whenever I leave the house. My house has 3ft stone walls so the emf's can't penetrate.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I have a piece of shungite on most devices, and keep one in my purse. Maybe I should get some more. I don't always have it on my person.