Ten tips to change your life.

in picture •  10 months ago 


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  1. Abandon expectations of praise from others. Mind what you are doing. Try to complete successfully. Don't waste time wondering what the outcome will be. Make every step a success. When one goal is accomplished… immediately start working toward another goal. don't expect If you expect something from someone, you will be disappointed and hurt.
  1. Give up non-vegetarian food and try to become a vegetarian. While it takes more energy to digest non-vegetarian food, it doesn't take as much energy to digest vegetarian food. Besides, he killed others to survive himself. Forget about virtues and vices, judge the side of humanity as well. In primitive times, when people did not know the method of farming, they hunted and ate meat to survive. But in modern times people have come up with many ways to survive. So it doesn't seem that meat is very necessary for survival in present times. It is true that vegetarians suffer from fewer diseases than non-vegetarians.
  1. If you want to watch unbiased news and enjoy quality reasoned arguments then ditch the opportunistic news channels like ABP News, Zee News and start watching MP TV and DD News under Govt of India.
  1. Treat every day as just a day, not Sunday… Monday. Every day the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. So there is no need to think that Sunday is a holiday and Monday to Friday is a working day. Work on improving yourself every day according to your needs.

  2. It is much healthier to eat rice, dal, potato chips at home than to eat rice, fish and meat in an outside hotel even if there is a special need.

  1. Don't try to become a millionaire by selling ghugni, jhalmuri by listening to some nonsense people. It's like buying a lottery ticket and dreaming of becoming a millionaire. Find jobs that suit your skills and build your future. Even if there is no qualifying price in this state, remember that the exact price of your qualification may be available somewhere. give it a try What happens if you give up?

  2. At least once in a lifetime buy one of these bikes and go for a long-distance ride. You will not know life in a new way.

  3. Travel to many places. At least visit Sad Guru's Isha Yoga Center and Ramdev Baba's Ashram in Haridwar. You can understand the difference yourself.

  4. If traveling by train, travel by night. This will save you both time and money. But if your train journey is full of natural beauty then it would be wise to travel during daylight hours.

  5. Go to sleep with the sun and wake up in the morning with the sun. Try to follow nature's biological clock. Nature will never let you down

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