Give me some advice today that will be useful until the moment before I die?

in picture •  10 months ago 

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I do not presume to advise, but, as I have been selected as the respondent, in the discharge of that duty, as a humble suggestion,
Some things that you do in life are supposed to become positive for yourself.

  1. Listen more, say less, then, one day you will see, many unnecessary words, unnecessary thoughts have stopped.

  2. If you don't know, don't understand, it's better not to comment on something, then you can avoid situations like saying, 'I don't understand, it's a mistake', 'sorry',

  3. Better not to judge people at face value.
    Appearance, beauty, higher education, profession, abundance of money, the evaluation based on these can be wrong, it can be felt, I have been cheated.
    Because someone who is self-educated and wears shabby clothes and is not educated in religious education can occupy a very bright position as a human being.

  4. Trying to motivate yourself by watching motivational videos may prove futile. Because, the effect of these is temporary, today, not tomorrow, and, behind these videos, lectures, the sole purpose may not be motivation,

  5. It is better to accept what you have as the best situation.
    It is better to compare your condition with someone who is in a worse condition than you, not with someone who is in a better condition than you.

  6. Better to refrain from promoting yourself.
    Because, either way, some run behind the hype, and again, the hype runs behind the other. The second condition is desirable.

  7. Negative criticism, slander, innuendo, sarcasm, these are not very necessary in life, it is better to avoid them, so as not to regret later.

  8. There is no harm in not helping someone, but, by helping, one should not expect obedience from him,

  9. expectation,
    The smaller the circle of expectations can be kept, the less one's suffering.
    If you ask a question in Korabangla, the answer will come, if you write the answer, you will get upvote, it is better to keep yourself away from such ideas. If there is no hope of upvote, there will be no fear of downvote.
    You can live in peace.
    Asking a question in your own right, or writing or commenting on it, for yourself, is the best upvote.
    Just thinking about it, one should be satisfied.
    If you don't recognize your own upvote, Kora Bangla's thousand, lakhs, crores of upvotes will not be useful in life.

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