Caterpillars Photography

in photography •  2 years ago 


Caterpillars are a group of small animals that will change shape into butterflies, among these caterpillars also have the potential to become moths and butterflies. Caterpillars are a type of insect that eats plant leaves and fruits, but among them when they become moths, they will only eat fruit by sucking the protein in the fruit until it wilts and rots. If the caterpillar becomes a butterfly then they will go through certain stages, namely the cocoon.

A cocoon is a tool that can be said to be a place for changing its form to become a butterfly. For these cocoons, they are often under the leaves, because so that their changes in form are not disturbed by other insects. As for this, like this caterpillar, he will become a butterfly whose scientific name is Eudocima phalonia. This type of butterfly only sucks the protein in the fruits it wants to eat.

This caterpillar has a basic body color that is orange to brownish, but in some parts of its body there are red and white circles and there are also white spots on the sides of its body. Here are some pictures of the caterpillar.









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