The best of Carbon Market

in photography •  last year 


Just got a chance to roam around with purpose and purchase goods at one of the busiest, oldest and largest open market in the City, the “Carbon Market”. Thanks to my ever supportive hubby who took a picture of me before I started to hopped from one store to another just like what other market customers did. In Carbon Market you can buy a lot of stuff like fresh fruits, vegetables, flowers, fish and many more...

Why this market is the talked of the town, loved and favorite of the many?

It is because only in this market where you can shop more and spend less for up to 50%-80% cheaper amount compared to a super market price.

But wait, you can enjoy cheaper prices if you are a smart shopper. Since Carbon Market is an open market it is advisable for the shopper to have enough time to roam around, check and compare the prices before buying the items.
A lot of affordable stuff can be bought inside the market area which is far from the main street and most of the time the products are being displayed on the floor just like this pumpkins and taros. Usually this happens only on a Saturday afternoon and during Sundays. Last thing, always bring a bottle of water.

Until next time blurtians😊

Happy Easter Everyone😄

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