RE: Soap Bubble Photography Opens Up New Dimensions

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Soap Bubble Photography Opens Up New Dimensions

in photography •  4 years ago 

I see your point and if I'd have been aware of such flagging I'd have certainly spoke out against it. I try to ignore all the bullshit that goes on at the top because when I do see it it gets me frustrated. It's quite hypocritical of them really and it certainly goes unchecked, although they pretend to scald these people behind the scenes. Anyway, like you say, it isn't worth the negative energy so I won't carry on my rant.
Thank you for your support and I wish I could say my sister's case is over but it isn't. The scumbag father appealed against the ruling which means my niece is still in care and we have to wait for another hearing. I really don't think he'll get anywhere with his appeal and hopefully he'll be arrested shortly after and my sister will get her daughter back so they can start rebuilding their lives.

So, blurtter(or is it blurt?) looks an interesting place and I'm excited about the upcoming upgrade. Hopefully, they can make it look a little more unique but maybe this place has different frontends that offer that already. Nonetheless, I'm happy to be part of another blockchain community.
It's good to be back in touch with you, buddy.

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if I'd have been aware of such flagging I'd have certainly spoke out against it.

It's pointless really. The whale I mention has driven many off who spoke out, even managing to nail FTG who has done much good for the chain over the years in curating and gifts to the community. This whale thrives on people losing their minds and speaking to him from a position of powerlessness.

Best to just shake the dust of such areas from ones feet and move on where the energy is healthy.

Sorry to hear your sister is still being put through the ringer. Moreso that your niece is. Its always the kids that suffer the most. Most unfortunate that your niece is learning at such a young age to distrust those who are in authority positions. Not that one shouldn't learn this, but kids should have some time to be worry free and grow into themselves more naturally without fear being so prevalent.

Hopefully, they can make it look a little more unique but maybe this place has different frontends that offer that already.

The goal Jacob has here is vast. You can read more on my understanding of it on a post I did yesterday on my observations. My view is still far from complete. Make sure to read the comment section as well, as Jacob did comment on my post. He is co founder of Blurt and his vision is bold.