Some of us old enough in Singapore will remember the days when we were younger when we had school sports day and Milo van coming to serve drinks was our treat for the day. Apparently, now you can get your own Milo van. This was what they are selling in the supermarket nowadays.
在新加坡,我们中一些算是长辈的人会记得我们小时候参加学校运动会的日子,而美禄货车将会在那天提供饮料。现在您可以拥有自己的美禄货车。 这就是他们现在在超市里卖的东西。
🎶Meanwhile, some music for you to enjoy as you read. This piece is part of Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons, particular the first of the 4 violin concertos, called Spring.
🎶让大家继续读的时候,欣赏一点音乐。这件作品是维瓦尔第的“四季”的一部分 - 4小提琴协奏曲中的第一首,名为“春天”。
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请看我其他帖: @ace108
memories !!! I miss this too
In some events, they still appear but there isn't any events like these now.
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