Beach Cat on the Spot

in photography •  2 years ago 

When I was strolling around the beach, I happened to notice a gray cat showed up from the beach rock and he stared at me from distance like I just stole his food. Many of beach cats live wildly, running after fishes from the fishermen who just touched the ground. Like a wild cat, he was not having a human touch, nobody treated him like a pet, but he should be thankful for the fresh food on the beach.

What a poor cat! A lone wanderer on the beach, searching food around. On another chance, I moved stealthily to get its picture to show you that this animal can also make its fancy pose even it is not trained for that. Nature teaches him how to survive, and nature beautified its look. The instinct works on his command. When I shot the picture, I spotted it in its eyes, as if it told me one thing "I am not giving up living in open space, I am a true wanderer, what are you looking at, Stranger!" I kept shooting until I got some good pose, I knew it was trying to show me that it deserved to be a good pet and it will always be a good one.

This is an unfriendly cat that made me stay at the distant spot to take the shots, and it brought me good luck seeing this animal make awesome poses near the beach rock. This cat, like other feral cats, are making its own way to survive and used to be seen begging fishes from the fishermen nearby or making louder sound to attract the attention of the visitor to give them some food.






CameraNikon D7000
CategoryAnimal Photography
LensTamron Tele-Macro 70-300
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