To the cowardly CEOs, and their enablers (the military, FBI, CIA, and NSA)

in philosophy •  3 days ago  (edited)


Chief Execution Officers have a murderous history around the world, and they are always too skittish to do their own dirty work. Most are born with such a level of cowardice that they would dare not experience material deprivation or major life stressors. They are, fundamentally addicts to the accumulation of wealth and power:

In their quest for acquisition to fulfill their drug addiction, they get the state to their bidding. Why? Because they have contempt for the rest of us:

Contempt is an emotion that the wealthy are well acquainted with. The bully-nerd dynamics don't change much from high school, and the nerds continue to do the homework of the bully. Let's look at some of the murders that CEOs have committed against families throughout history, shall we?

  3. All of the suicides committed by people when their jobs were outsourced at the stroke of a pen.
  4. Soldiers killed in wars over business.

During the Middle Ages, it was largely the nobility (upper classes) who went to war, now it is the lower classes.
When is the last time a Senator or CEO fought in a war?
CEOs are too cowardly to fight the wars, but they certainly can exempt their families from service using papers. And, they have an army of enabling scientists behind them (industrial psychologists, media moguls, and other master manipulators).

The thing is, they are about to screw all of us. AI will make humans basically superfluous, and unlike humans, AI will ALWAYS follow orders. To you "intelligence" agents out there. I know your inane trickery. Fool the public, sow distrust, and obfuscate the fact that it is your masters (the elites) who are preying upon the rest of us. You have been told that what you are doing is "PATRIOTISM." You're wrong. You will be discarded once machines can do your jobs, because machines won't whistleblow.

To the police and military: STOP BEING PUPPETS OF THE PEOPLE WHO ARE TOO LAZY AND SPINELESS TO DO YOUR JOBS. The elites have openly expressed their disdain for you. IT ISN'T ABOUT LEFT OR RIGHT OR CULTURE WAR PSYOP BULLSHIT DEVELOPED BY PEOPLE WITH ZERO INTEGRITY, IT IS ABOUT THE WEALTHY VS EVERYONE ELSE. They don't care about you and your families, in fact they are more likely to cut you off at a crosswalk:

Most of your leaders hail from the upper crust of society, where they were born taken care of and have never had to truly struggle or work a real hard day's work in their lives. They don't know what it is like to be at the behest of someone who refuses to raise their pay to keep up with bills and inflation. They will call anyone who tries to stand up for themselves a Commie. They'll blame the nation's failings on "cultural Marxism" or other bullshit concoction Psyop nonsense, all to hide themselves and their anti-social actions. Its been overplayed. Trans people didn't raise your rent, your grocery prices, or print more money (see Federal Reserve). They use this wedge to PIT EVERYONE AGAINST EACH OTHER. The culture war stuff has been tried before: , and its purpose is, as it always was, to obfuscate and shift the blame for economic ills onto people in the lower class and to divide us. Nazi German leadership was a failure, and blaming the Jews was just a convenient scapegoat.

I beg anyone who is reading to do your own research. Learn about how they have compromised your electronics to spy on you. You think "oh I have nothing to hide." You're wrong. You're a lab rat. They have been studying you, and, you may have it good now, but one day, they will pull the rug out from under you and you will not see it coming. YOUR FAMILY IS AT RISK. They cannot care for you:

These people are not reptiles in the weird conspiracy theory sense, but they seem to mostly understand GREED and POWER. The rich often treat their kids like shit and deprive them of oxytocin and social bonding:

Do you really think they have not planted influencers on both sides? There's a reason why film studios cannot criticize the US military.

They have co-opted the major political parties in most countries, because their money was allowed to have outsized influence over those political machines. The agents of the state (FBI, military, law enforcement) have choices to make. Choose your masters. There are more of us than there are rich billionaire puppet masters who pull the strings ON BOTH SIDES OF THE AISLE. You will likely choose the elites to be your masters, and one day, you will be Bennie from The Mummy movie, as you are discarded by people who are more cold-hearted than yourselves. They only see your value by your utility to them, and as technology continues to advance, this utility will diminish, and machines are incapable of mutiny therefore they will make for better security.

So, come at me bros. I know your tricks. This movement is not going anywhere (it can't because none of you would dare do what is necessary to stop the rising public discontent), even if you manage to track me down, your incompetence has doomed things. The future events are near mathematically impossible to avoid. You will end up pissing too many people off and driving too many people to desperation, and the blowback will be coming your way.

Thanks to your market obsession, AI with capabilities that you cannot even imagine has been developed in secret somewhere (or will be) and it will proliferate and continue to wage resistance because your profit-based system would DARE NOT SHUT DOWN ITS PRIMARY MODE OF PROLIFERATING. You think your false narratives will distract the people from who it REALLY IS THAT IS SCREWING THEM? You're wrong. One day your propaganda will lose its bite. Your hands are tied, and when you scumbags have all the power in the upcoming years and see THE FOLLY OF YOUR ANTISOCIAL WAYS, then you will have to live with those consequences.

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They are moneyed psychopaths, and You are right. But imagine when enough of Us stand sovereign, in aggregate, and refuse Their psychopathic legal/governmental system.

Taking Their tool to power (money) is possible, despite what a certain ding-dong claims, but meanwhile...

Just Stop Consenting! (article):
Join Me as a Sovereign Here on Ethical Ground (article):

The GentleOne’s Solution (article):

The End of (Social) Entropy (article):

  ·  3 days ago  ·  


This would be a great step forward. If you control your workplace, you control mergers, offshoring, and lobbyists. I had to rewrite this article, since it was very sloppy.

  ·  11 hours ago  ·  
