The Comedy of the Walrus

in philosophy •  4 days ago  (edited)

image but not story created with help from LeonardoAI

Chapter 1

Guy is extracted from the womb, like most.

Mother is borderline, father is a schizoid.

Guy goes to funky non-mainstream church ruled by many rules.

Guy asks too many questions, often misunderstood.

The world is a cold place, though guy observes others partaking in moments of warmth.

Guy turns to learning and trying to figure the world out.

Guy does well enough in school, when the material interests them, guy is classified as "gifted."

Guy doesn't understand why achievement and always striving for more is the social norm.

Guy learns how to program as a hobby, thinks it will be a good job for the future.

Guy is told that that job will be outsourced by the time he is old enough.

Guy tutors his struggling peers, and learns how to simplify concepts.

Guys falls in love with a girl while in High School.

Girl's parents want her to be a Dr.

Girl was an accident; her parents never valued her just for existing, she was told to scratch her own back with her own nails.

Girl seeks achievement, but appreciates the newly experienced affection.

Guy seeks the warmth they never had.

Girl gets pregnant, because she told guy that it was impossible according to her Dr.

They're young, guy looks into the options, determines adoption to be the best course for all parties.

Guy sits down with girl's parents and presents the situation.

Girl's mother is pissed, girl's father is indifferent.

Girl's mother refuses the adoption angle, and is spiteful towards guy for suggesting it.

Guy continues to do well enough in school, guy is accepted into "important" colleges.

Guy's parents are disappointed, refuse to help with paying for college.

Guy decides to go to community college and pay himself, guy hates debt.

Chapter 2

Baby is born, girl's mother refuses to let guy into the picture, because he had suggested adoption, guy isn't even allowed at birth.

Guy develops bond with child and decides best course of action now is to be in the child’s life.

Guy looks for options, as he is continuously sidelined from the child’s life with little protest from girl, who is helpless to resist.

Girl's mother becomes more controlling, girl is losing her options.

Guy marries girl so they can have peace and live with guy's parents.

Guy's borderline mother cannot tolerate the situation for more than a month, tells guy and girl to leave, guy's father is, as usual, too distant to say anything.

Guy drops out of college in favor of working.

Guy has not had time to get financial stability, girl did not even have a driver's license. Guy helps her get it.

Girl wants to move somewhere "nice." Refuses to settle for a lower price option.

Guy is promised good paying job by girl's uncle, so decides to abide by girl's wishes.

They move out.

Uncle falls through, guy gets other job, rent is due, and this job pays very little.

Guy needs to bring in another party to share in rent, girl initially reluctantly allows it.

New roommate loses job and fails to get a new one. Guy is overwhelmed with stress, "friends" pop in to see guy at random.

Things fall apart. Girl returns to her parents' house with child after assaulting guy during dispute over roommate and "friends."

Guy runs into old friend who introduces him to drugs.

It doesn't end well, guy moves back with parents, guy finds day labor job.

Guy decides school is out of the question, tries to join a union.

Union finds out what guy's father does for work, and rejects him.

Guy finds non-union work, and decides to try and be better prepared to launch again with girl.

Guy is paired with alcoholic mentor who believes it is not his responsibility to train him.

Guy is berated almost daily in the workplace but puts up with it for years.

Stress is a known impedance of the ability to learn new things, even for the "gifted."

Recession sets guy back, he loses construction job and has to find any work he can.

Guy is again treated like dirt, and his responses to this are regarded as "bitching," by girl.

Guy seeks solitude and leaves for the wilderness for a while to recover.

Guy returns, out of obligation, and is hated by girl for abandoning everyone, though guy had mostly been relegated to the sidelines anyways.

Guy notices a thing called Bitcoin, but also that money corrupts, he predicts it will be big to friends, but never buys in.

Guy decides to go back to school and pay for it through work.

Guy blames himself for his failures, and returns to rebuilding, eventually they move far away thanks to good savings.

Chapter 3

Girl is blacklisted from old job because she would dare leave and manager was possessive.

Guy has poor credit, due to economic instability when trying to build the credit against his base anti-credit bend, so guy pays rent for 6 months up front.

Guy and girl seem to be stable, and they begin to establish themselves.

Guy returns to school, girl finds a good a job.

Guy has dream of living off-grid, girl reluctantly agrees at face, but not in heart.

Guy wants to be free, tries to talk girl into it; she hates intellectual discussion.

Guy learns about the mathematician who had an interest in mailing deadly packages to tech people, and that this individual was targeted in college for experimentation.

Guy realizes that this treatment could happen to anyone, guy sees the nature of the beast.

Guy learns about Zersetzung, and other tactics, he’s a wide array of things.

Guy had always been analytical and somewhat observant, and determines that the bully-nerd dynamics of high school never change in adulthood, they just become more subtle.

Guy is treated poorly in the workplace, because guy is quiet.

Guy becomes increasingly suspicious of others, guy has no friends in the new place.

Girl becomes distant from guy, not able to understand him, she never was, girl is always able to make new friends.

Guy experiences a psychotic break, girl doesn't understand, sees guy as a problem, and gets angry at him.

Guy is hospitalized, $10,000 a night with no insurance.

Guy gets out, goes back to work, and tries to pay off the debt.

Strange things happen in the workplace, guy is again bullied, this time by a self-admitted misandrist who happens to be his supervisor.

What good is your work when someone else can tamper with its presentation?

Guy brings complaint to HR, has his concerns brushed off despite other the person complained about having a track record of complaints.

Guy gets chest pains and is hospitalized again, this time with insurance.

Guy falls back into psychosis, but talks himself down.

Guy can't seem to hold jobs anymore, so guy tries to refurbish and resell items.

Girl loses respect and affection for guy.

Guy, who is normally patient, slips one day and berates girl.

Girl gets scared and sends child away.

Girl has had a long-lasting track record of angry outbursts over small things, but gets surprised when guy shows any hint of displeasure.

Girl sees guy as a failure who cannot even do “basic shit,” they split up.

Guy wanders for a while, thinks people are out to get him, then decides that if they were, they would come for him when he was most isolated.

Guy stays alone, no one kills him, so he reasons its fine for now.

Guy begins the process of recovery. He discards all material belongings, recognizing them as the source of the world's ills.

Chapter 4

Guy eventually has to return to live with parents after existing in the wild for a while and beginning to lose sanity.

Guy tries to rebuild, recognizing the necessity of social connection, and works for old employer. He gets to see his child.

Guy has to work away from the home area one day, with people that are hired at random, and for little pay.

Turns out some of the new hires are involved in crime and cartels.

Guy is directly threatened, learns that the cost of his life was a couple of background checks to his employer to whom he was personally loyal to for years.

Guy brings up the issue to his employer, who tells him to "grow a pair."

Guy learns to cope, decides to “grow a pair” and leave the job.

Guy decides his initial assessment of self-employment was the way to go, and the closest thing he can get is gig work for now.

COVID hits, apps are good source of work for a while, this later changes.

COVID means guy is not allowed to see child, who is much older now, but still not quite an adult.

Guy's parents move, guy's father loses vision and mother never was one to sacrifice comfort for family, her health declines.

Guy helps them, and goes with them, hoping as well to launch again somewhere else.

Guy finds temp work, spends some of his time helping immigrant co-worker single mothers increase their numbers.

Guy's employer lies about how much work was left, guy's employer had hired mostly illegals.

Employer keeps guy around and lets all the others go without warning.

Guy notices, and employer's son is a spoiled person with little skill who was granted their position in management through nepotism.

Son sees guy's competence as a threat and gaslights guy, guy leaves the position.

Guy finds other work, and is mostly alone, but is comfortable with this.

Guy learns a little about psychology and determines that the odds of being able to persist without socialization and not be driven insane are fairly low.

Guy finds girl online, they seem to be compatible.

Chapter 5

Guy was honest with girl about history of psychosis, and guy and girl want to leave the modern world and its ills.

Girl is a white collar worker, but hates her life and is stress eating and taking meds for relief.

Girl exhibited some usually masculine associated traits, competitiveness and award-gathering being one. Guy did not want to judge, though it was the second time he found a high-T female.

Girl exclaims that she likely would not be interested in guy if they were younger, since guy was not achievement-oriented.

Girl has strict parents, who only valued her for rule-following behaviors and future productive prospects, guy knows the drill.

They have great intellectual discussions, which is a relief for guy.

Guy has conversation with girl’s parents over whether it would make sense to be productive in Nazi Germany, things get heated.

Girl claims to have certain values, and makes an irrefutable argument, guy gets thrown into "ethics mode."

Ethics mode implies that one should not be an accomplice in a corrupt system, but guy reasons ends could justify means if they get out soon enough.

Guy finds work in prior field of work, and moves in with the girl.

Guy contributes to her estate, loves her and tells her they need to get away as soon as possible.

Girl already knew this and had plans to do so, it was finally a match.

Guy is bullied again in new workplace for being different, and for not having the right brand of tools.

Guy ignores the chastising.

Guy ends up becoming a top productive worker, but near bottom paid.

Guy tells girl they need to finish fixing her place so they can leave, and that time is of the essence.

Girl agrees to guy fixing house, guy leaves job to remodel girl's place, and gains some income with apps again.

Guy fixes girl's place up and notices inconsistencies in girl's beliefs and actions.

Guy realizes that social position of the girl may have contributed to "ethical habits" rather than simply analysis alone.

The illusion of the girl begins to shatter again, guy turns to drinking, guy sometimes rants about the state of world affairs.

Girl tells guy he takes life too seriously, guy says there are only 2 ethical modes for him: 1) Apathy 2) Hyper-analysis and striving for perfectionism

The house is finished, girl tells guy that the house cannot be sold, as father had co-signed. Guy starts to see some more cracks in her story-telling.

Guy says ok, and pushes to move back with guy's parents for a while to help save more money, and guy had been commuting far each week back to his elderly parents' house anyways to help with errands.

Elderly parents agree to the move, they need the guy around.

Chapter 6

Girl has big dog, and this dog is hyperactive and never stops harassing guy. Dog barks loudly when going anywhere, and is extremely anxious and high energy, guy is sensitive to loud noise.

This wears on guy, and guy loses sleep because dog keeps interrupting the REM cycle.

Guy at least gets another job, and is finally treated well and respected, despite low pay.

Girl finds blue collar work, and sees how hard it is to be female in traditionally male lines of work, but she claims she is a builder at heart.

Guy knows how demoralizing blue-collar work is, knows it will likely harm her intellect in the long-term from all of the stress and verbal abuse, but perhaps she will be spared for being female.

Girl experiences sexual advances at work, and is often under-appreciated, despite her great aptitude for learning new things.

Guy encourages girl to stand for herself, and to refuse to accept jobs that empower the whales of society; guy encourages small business employment.

Meanwhile, girl pays little mind to the damage the dog is causing everyone else, which has been going on with others for years. Girl loves the dog.

Guy grows fond of dog anyways, and takes it on walks all of the time, girl's dog gets in altercation with other dog and guy intervenes against better judgement.

Guy walks away with a scar, but it was better than seeing other dog killed by girl's dog.

Guy keeps losing sleep, begs parents to allow for a dog door to be installed, his father has always hated change, even if minor.

Guy's temp work is over, and he decides to focus on his original interest in programming and tries to turn it into an income stream.

Girl is supportive, but this means guy will be home with dog more.

Dog wears on guy, he tells girl, she does not act. Dog needs a better environment to meet its needs as well.

Guy's father refuses to allow modifications for dog door; guy numbs pain with alcohol.

Guy has been black-pilled on the world, sometimes rants about it and criticizes others when drunk.

Girl is scared by this, but fails to properly emote this fact, or to offer guy comfort.

Girl has emotional damage of her own, guy reasons. Guy wonders what a kind girl who is positively emotionally expressive is like.

Guy apologizes for his uncharacteristic verbal slip-ups, and realizes his personality has shifted.

Guy overhears details about girl's employer that reveals poor character.

Guy berates the employer, girl sees it as sabotage of her position. Guy talks about Milgram's obedience experiments and authority.

Guy tells girl not to be the shock administer.

Girl never seems to want to accept responsibility or blame for a part in anything that happens. Never apologizes, just like first girl guy found.

Guy begins to see who he believes girl really is and confronts her about the behavior.

Alcohol and sleep deprivation break guy down, he told girl what happens when he is sleep deprived; he begged her for mercy.

Girl is devastated, she is sensitive to the negative emotions of others.

Guy realizes how alone and isolated he has become and decides to interact with the world by creating an online presence he never really had before.

He begins searching for like-minded people based off of personalities, and he begins to find new friends.

Guy says they need to leave now, they need to go pursue the off-grid dream. Parents could have joined but decided they did not want to.

Girl is always vague about when she wants to leave, guy believes she does not trust him, girl admits this to be true.

Guy observes cows on a farm with their necks in shackles, and it serves as imagery.

Guy goes on a drunken rant. Girl is sensitive and takes the rant personally.

Girl decides enough is enough and leaves the guy.

Chapter 7

Guy knows the core issue was in engaging "ethical mode," along with sleep deprivation, COVID damage, a concussion, and that his personality has shifted.

Guy realizes that he needs to shift back into apathy to survive, and reasons that this must be what others are doing.

Guy and girl still talk, he still loves her, and she has grown even more distant.

Guy doesn't feel like doing anything anymore, guy seeks solace in philosophy, and back into his mind again.

Guy experiences anhedonia, and self-medicates.

Guy knows he has to kick this new nasty habit, and there is ground gained.

Guy realizes that no one was looking out for him, despite his moments of occasional delusion to the contrary.

Guy asks girl for understanding. She shows it to a limited extent, but her internal focus is on the unpleasant experiences she had to personally endure.

Girl had promised guy many times she would visit or that they would go somewhere soon alone, and it never materialized.

Guy uncharacteristically communicates unmet needs, girl ignores it.

Guy slips and drinks again. Usually guy is so quiet, and ignores his emotions, just as everyone else ignored his emotions, something has changed.

Girl breaks up with guy, ends almost all communication.

The next chapter has yet to be written.

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  ·  4 days ago  ·  


This would be a hard story to keep up with

If it weren't so familiar 🥓

  ·  4 days ago  ·   (edited)

The most amusing part is yet to come:

Its much cheaper to mop up the failures of the system than to correct them, at least to those with the mops, anyways.

  ·  4 days ago  ·  

I.T. is a legit power up

Mechs or mops 📐

I'm sure Guy will be powering up.