RE: The Outsider: An Important Archetype for a Time of Change

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The Outsider: An Important Archetype for a Time of Change

in philosophy •  last year 

A reply to a friend on legacy media, they asked about what being 'outside' really means and why is there a need to understand and define it in such a way - also making a statement and attribution to the 'loner' being an outsider:

Hi ###, welcome to the party 🥳 There are many unexplained things in this life. Many don't need an explanation to live well. It is myself in vulnerability I put on the table by saying things so openly and in such a way.

In my long years of travel and street living have searched for numerous reasons 'why' and observed certain repeatable rules of interaction within the group mind.

I have observed definite symbols/archetypes that recur again and again. These symbols have specific relationships. In my experiences and observations within a range of communities and societies I have seen clearly how influential people follow archetypal personality patterns by rote (whether consciously or unconsciously). In unpacking this and explaining it to the regular person I hope to provide a tool to understand the inner workings of group psychology and group dynamics for the purpose of the would be sovereign to retain self ownership - to not be subconsciously swept away with the group mind because - aware of its function and so able to retain separation between self and group.

For myself understanding the inner workings of consciousness is greatly motivated by wanting and needing to be more effective in this world.

The Outsider is just one archetype that society through consciousness utilizes.

The loner could certainly be one interpretation. The 'Outsider' can be someone that lives alone within the mind, in a private place of stillness and content and yet for all intensive purposes appears to be a social butterfly - someone in reservation of an alternate reality and yet lives closely with this one. There are many people that have taken up the Outsider mantle throughout history and have as result plummeted the world into chaos or brought it to the next level of fruitition.

The Outsider can be the whistleblower who within the group decides to act on their own volition and therefore stand to take the flack of the fallout. The Outsider finds a way for truth to seep into the cracks of this system and makes it their day job.

In a more cooperative society with humans not being conditioned against one another, the archetype of the Outsider is needed much less as a catalyst.

Inventors who innovate life changing inventions are Outsiders. Seeing a need and filling a hole. Taking responsibility for the hole and creating something that is outside of the box in order to remedy a solution.

What are we outside of? The box. The group mind.

In a sense, independent investigators giving their proverbial audit. The group mind needs these audits. Even an egg, which is a perfect design for keeping things in stasis, goes off and rots after a time.

Without an outside perspective - the group rots.

Note: I provide a framework for understanding that I admit openly is not original, though it is based on my experiences and observations with a deductive mind dedicated to rational capacity.

I do not claim to be the inventor of archetypes or the one and only revelation on consciousness. I can provide some keys that may assist others in opening their locks but ultimately the maze of the mind and the locks it presents is a process that can only done by the self.

The domain of archetypes is just one perspective. One way of looking at things. I don't offer an absolute truth nor believe in such fairy tale. And nor are people often one archetype for long. Personalities paint their identity with a range of them - intermittently flicking between them and at times shifting to this or that archetype over a lifetime in conjunction with shifting roles within a community.

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