The Outsider: An Important Archetype for a Time of Change

in philosophy •  last year 


The idea of being an Outsider is as old as time itself.

There are many archetypes of personality within this system and they all require regular maintenance by the inhabitants of consciousness to function correctly.

Archetypes can be described as repeated expressions that come up life after life and reimpose an 'essence mold' onto reality in a network and system of energy distribution.

Please note: I speak from experience with these things in my earnest search for an accurate and specific way of describing them. I do not reference from any book or teaching directly. If this bothers you, please don't read it.

These archetypes are the symbols of life. Our interpretation of them within our limited cultural structure is just a small glimmer of what they truly represent behind the scenes. When you embrace an archetype unconditionally - a reservoir of energy becomes available for you to use.

This 'submission' to the form is a process of the self - and the path to representing a potential archetype can be described in a dualistic nature. The left hand path (no, I'm not talking about politics) or the right hand path. The left hand path being that of self interest or service to self and the right hand path being that of service to others.

To skip 37 years of lessons and give you a core message - On a long enough timeline, these paths come together and join as one. To serve the self with honesty is to serve others - to serve others with honesty is to serve the self in the best way also. We serve ourselves in the most caring and effective ways when we incorporate self-worth invested in community. We serve community in the most effective way when we invest in a purified form of self interest which cycles out and serves the community again therefore serving ourselves.

The outcome is the same - juxtaposed energetic cycles that achieve the same end.

Every motivation is balanced between these two paths.

Every archetype has a shadow aspect as well as a light aspect.

The shadow aspect of the Outsider archetype is the shit-stirrer.

The shitstirrer sees the problems and decides to point at them and scream - rubbing them in people's faces obnoxiously. Sometimes these actions and words when addressing an emotionally intelligent group can assist a group to get out of stagnation. Unfortunately we don't really have the luxury of a lot of group emotional intelligence in this society - too often the shit stirrer is actually creating a resistance to seeing the problem by the group. The group's defences are aroused by the shit stirrer's actions - making the process of objective realisation longer.


This theatre played out can as a bi-product help other groups that observe the process of this conflict. It becomes a kind of public performance in which parts are played and an example is set for the world to see. This result of a shitstirrer's actions is not kind to the group involved or to the shit stirrer - even if the noble aim of the truth be the core motivation.

One habit of the group is to then scape goat the shit stirrer as the cause of the problem to then go on to avoid the problem for as long as possible until someone else within or without the group makes an admission of the problem and the cycle starts again. A shit stirrer often has personal problems in the mix which make the pinning of the sin on the donkey an easy fit.

There is another path that can be taken with the same end.

Unfortunately the shadow aspect of the outsider is an easier indulgence in comparison to the light aspect which is to fill holes and fill the need - to be the need that it sees through action, awareness and example. To teach the group over time with cold hard dedication.

The light aspect of the outsider comes into a group or community and using its unique perspectives (not based on group's perception) can quickly see what difficulties the group may be facing or what blocks the group from achieving what it wishes to achieve.

Those within the group often don't see these things because they are in their established structured echo chamber. If the change that is required is foundational and the structure it too far developed the bearer of bad news is not popular.

It takes a great effort of will for a leader of a group to realise that it needs an outside perspective to truly be honest about its ideas. The strongest and most resilient of groups can take a punch by a few outsiders because they can take on the perspectives and integrate them - expanding and flowing better because of it.

The outsider can provide invaluable information which if said in the right way and approached with delicacy can exponentially increase the growth and potential of the group or community it enters.

It is a two way street - the outsider must have empathy and approach the group with a compassionate and humble approach and the group or individuals within it must humble itself/themselves to truly listen.

A realisation that we're all on the same page goes a thousand miles on this path of 'progress'. Often the outsider is misunderstood as being something damaging or malicious when it just takes one within the group to see that the outsider's aims at the core of it are actually the same that the group sets out to achieve. When a group is proud of itself and its achievements it is generally not the most ideal time to point at the foundation and scream about the crack that is finding its way through its centre - yet at times, the emergency is so severe that regardless of the confidence of the group, the outsider sacrifices its perceived dignity and integrity and screams about it anyway. Alone within, the outsider is made alone physically as well - reflecting the inner reality.


Often traveling as I have I have entered communities and have become aware of the personality matrix within a community then also become aware of what personalities or energies are lacking representation. Then with this information have walked into the role of representing that which lacked.

I have recognized my personality as fluid - I approach social situations with an intuitive approach with the truth or honesty as a starting point. This is a skill that can be honed. It can be applied to individuals and to groups to assist in seeing outside of the box.

Accepting all parts of this world and all people in it as me, as a large body of me - allows me to see all of it. It's the ability to look at the darkest parts and not be afraid - that's what gives us the foundation.

Too often in this world, the community called society is focusing on a lighted path in avoidance of a projected darkness. Until the community faces its shadow it will not see that the projected darkness is not real - so anyone that comes to the fore to explain or herald the truth is cast out and demonized. Being called 'arrogant' (which can be true in parts 😂 ) can be one avoidance tactic by the group in order to not see what is in front of their faces.

There IS darkness. That is a given but the darkness that is there is misunderstood. It sits in a hiding place out of sight and must be found out with the light of awareness. This darkness projects into the minds of the group another fear, away from itself, a distraction for the group to fear so its true nature cannot be found out. So the group must face the false shadow it fears to see the true shadow which in turn allows it to see the truth and then only after this having a firm foundation from which to base life decisions from.

The aliens or outsiders born into this paradigm have a job in exposing what groups believe to be true and yet doesn't truly serve their interests.

Outsiders also have a choice. That choice translates to self care. Do we indulge in the dark side and indulge in a quick shit stir thus affecting our ability to survive or do we put in a little more work with empathy and patience to engage as the light side of the outsider archetype.

In some instances it cannot be helped. The shit must be mixed up and quickly for any hope of change. In most others, not - the light aspect although more difficult is more often the most effective.

The successful outsider also has a prerogative to have a wide array of experiences and do research to back up its alternative way of structuring reality within - which works as an alternative framework with which to assist others in seeing outside their box. Having a core group of people within a community that understand the role and existence of the outsider is part of this, having multiple mirrors through which to bounce awareness and gather more experiences for data by which to 'triangulate a position' on truth.

The rewards or consequences of being an outsider are known by the outflow of our actions.


The Choice is y/ours.

In love,


ps. Shout out to all those who have felt alien in this life - and have searched this feeling looking for a way to fit. It takes guts to go to the depths of experience and knowledge to find out and know what you are and to live it.

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