The Achilles Heel of Organization!

in organization •  last year 

Absent from Blurt again, for a long while.

Caught in the reality facing many people in our world: Persistently rising cost of living meets declining income.

Life's a beach...

Maybe it's more something that happens to the self-employed: Trying to sell goods and service to people who — themselves — have less and less means to get by.


Regardless, I have probably spent more than a reasonable amount of time down the proverbial "rabbit hole" called "getting better organized."

I'm one of those people whose productivity heads in the toilet whenever I have to work in chaos and mess. When it gets too bad, I have to outright STOP working, and instead spend my time on getting organized.

The Catch-22 with that is that getting organized is not an income producing activity!


Again, boo-hoo-hoo... life's tough, deal with it.

Ultimately, it's just a demonstration of how pretty much everything in life is a trade or transaction of some kind. The "cost" of future productivity that will increase the income flow is giving up current income flow to create the environment for improved results.

Maybe that's a bit cold and heartless... but it's also a fact.

Thanks for reading and have a great weekend!

DO leave me a comment — engagement matters! Communities are built because people INTERACT with each other through the content that's created! This is SOCIAL media, after all. So share your opinion, be part of the conversation! I do my best to answer all worthy comments!

Sequence: 072 — Timestamp: 2023.06.16 - 21:20 PST

All content and photos by the author unless otherwise specified — this is UNIQUE content, created expressly for this platform. This is not posted on other sites.

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  ·  last year  ·  

I think between, Hive, Blurt, Steemit, Nostr / Damus and other Crypto-Blogging platforms you can earn a pretty good living with Crypto these days. It all adds up … as long as you convert some to Bitcoin on the really big dips it will be a pretty nice Retirement Fund.





BLURT's last 30 days appear to have been fairly stable

  ·  last year  ·  

Somewhat stable, true... but even 0.02-0.03 USD would be welcome.

  ·  last year  ·  

Well, I'm definitely continuing to use those as a way to gradually build a "backup fund" of sorts. I just don't have any free "external" funds to add; so it builds purely on so-called sweat equity!

  ·  last year  ·   (edited)

Me too. All my Crypto Funds come from Steemit 6 years ago. … the trick is to Diversify those original Funds and earn everywhere.

  ·  last year  ·  

That's definitely something you do really well... I see your content everywhere!

  ·  last year  ·  

Even Dtube is doing well these days… up and down like a yo-yo

If only I had held on to my 10,000 Dtube coins … and sold on Uniswap.



  ·  last year  ·  

Yeah, Dtube has been all over the map...

  ·  last year  ·   (edited)

They must be paying a fortune in Ethereum fees to do this ….

What for ????



  ·  last year  ·  

Leave me a comment — engagement is important! Communities are built because people INTERACT with each other through the content created! This is SOCIAL media, after all. So share your opinion, and be part of the conversation! I do my best to respond to all worthy comments!

I loved this sentence! Interaction is what should really be the objective within a social network, although I must admit that pretending to be what we are not is what generally prevails since many believe that this is the way to attract followers as if we were Cristiano Ronaldo or the Kardashians.

I am very happy to have found your content, thanks to your valuable comment.

  ·  last year  ·  

Thanks @oneray!

The thing about social media is that 99.999% of us aren't "cool enough" to get anywhere simply by showing up and expecting people to follow us.

For the majority of us, there's really only one way to go about it: If you want engagement, then you need to create engaging content.

Ending your post with an open invitation to comment, and even adding a few questions... can help unlock that door. Sure, maybe it sounds a bit like a high school exercise but it does work.

I noticed you had something similar on one of your posts....

  ·  last year  ·  

Yes, from time to time I do it looking for some kind of interaction and create a topic where we can all participate :)

Sometimes it works, other times not so much.

Curated by @ultravioletmag

  ·  last year  ·  

Thanks for the support @curationcoconut and @ultravioletmag!