
in numbers •  3 years ago 


Today is Tuesday February 22, 2022, better said 2-22-22, a lot of twos and that is why it is being called Twos Day, a coincidence that this 22nd happened to fall on a Tuesday. Numerologists are going crazy with what this date could mean in the way of events. I say nothing different than any other day, it is just a date. Eleven years ago we had 1-11-11 and as far as I know nothing significant that touched everybody happened. Happily there will be no 3-33-33, as March doesn't have 33 days.

But people do like to make analysis of numbers and come up with all kinds of strange meanings for them. I myself have bought today 22 twice in the daily lottery that plays three times a day, so far at 11:00 we had 47 come out, at three 74, and you know last night we had 47. I think what number plays depends more on how they manipulate the machine than in anything having to do with numerology. That was money well spent.

I love playing around with numbers like with SUDOKU, I was always good at that, math was my favorite subject and I was way ahead of my classmates, even the teacher most of the time. And you can use numbers in all sorts of ways, but using them to predict events is not something I was able to do. Perhaps I am not as good with numbers as I think I am.

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