How to Behave with Parents

in null •  3 months ago 

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Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem.
Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu.

Dear fellow friends, I hope you are all well, I am also well and healthy by the grace of Allah through your prayers. Welcome and congratulations to all of you in today's post.

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Showing Respect
Respecting parents is fundamental in most cultures and religions. This can be manifested through language, actions, and attitudes. Addressing them politely, listening attentively, and valuing their opinions are crucial aspects. Demonstrating respect also includes refraining from raising your voice or using harsh language.

Communicating Effectively
Open and honest communication fosters a healthy relationship. Regularly check in with your parents, share your experiences, and seek their advice. This not only keeps them involved in your life but also shows that you value their wisdom and experience.

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Showing Appreciation
Parents often make numerous sacrifices for their children. Acknowledging their efforts and expressing gratitude goes a long way. Simple acts like saying "thank you," helping with household chores, or giving them thoughtful gifts can show your appreciation.

Being Patient and Understanding
As parents age, they may face various challenges, including health issues or cognitive decline. Being patient and understanding during these times is vital. Offer your support and be empathetic to their needs and struggles.

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How to Call Parents
Formal Titles
In many cultures, it’s common to address parents with formal titles such as “Mother” and “Father” or their equivalents in different languages. This practice signifies respect and acknowledges their role.

Informal and Endearing Terms
In more casual settings, children might use informal or affectionate terms like “Mom” and “Dad.” Some cultures have unique terms of endearment that reflect close familial bonds.

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Using Their Names
In certain contexts or cultures, addressing parents by their first names might be acceptable, though this is less common. It’s essential to understand the cultural norms and the parents’ preferences before using this approach.

Rights of Parents Over Sons and Daughters
Providing Care and Support
Parents have the right to expect care and support from their children, especially as they age. This includes emotional support, physical care, and financial assistance if needed.

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Respect and Obedience
In many cultures, parents have the right to expect respect and obedience from their children. This includes following family rules, valuing their opinions, and adhering to their guidance, especially during the formative years.

Involvement in Major Decisions
Parents often have the right to be involved in significant life decisions of their children, such as education, career choices, and marriage. Their experience and wisdom can provide valuable insights.

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Protection of Dignity
Children should protect their parents’ dignity and honor. This includes speaking well of them, ensuring their well-being, and not engaging in actions that might bring shame or distress to the family.

Rights of Children
Right to Education and Development
Children have the right to receive education and opportunities for personal development. Parents should support their children’s learning and encourage their growth in various aspects of life.

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Right to Protection and Care
Children are entitled to protection and care. Parents should provide a safe environment, meet their basic needs, and safeguard them from harm and abuse.

Right to Express Themselves
Children should be allowed to express their thoughts, feelings, and opinions. Encouraging open communication helps in building their confidence and decision-making abilities.

Right to Pursue Interests
Children have the right to pursue their interests and passions. Parents should support their hobbies and aspirations, providing guidance without imposing undue pressure.

Right to Privacy
As children grow, they have a right to privacy. Parents should respect their personal space and avoid unnecessary intrusion, balancing this with appropriate guidance and supervision.

Balancing Rights and Responsibilities
Maintaining a harmonious relationship between parents and children involves balancing rights and responsibilities on both sides. Mutual respect, understanding, and effective communication are key.

Mutual Respect
Both parents and children should respect each other’s viewpoints and individuality. This includes recognizing the evolving dynamics as children grow into adulthood.

Understanding and Empathy
Being empathetic towards each other’s challenges and needs fosters a supportive environment. Parents should understand the pressures faced by children in modern society, while children should appreciate the sacrifices made by their parents.

Effective Communication
Regular and honest communication helps in resolving conflicts and misunderstandings. It’s crucial to create an environment where both parties feel heard and valued.

Setting Boundaries
Setting and respecting boundaries is important in any relationship. Parents should allow children to develop their independence while children should acknowledge the guidance and experience of their parents.

Seeking External Support
Sometimes, external support such as counseling or family therapy can be beneficial. It provides a neutral ground for discussing issues and finding constructive solutions.

Celebrating Togetherness
Spending quality time together strengthens the family bond. Whether it’s through family dinners, vacations, or celebrating milestones, these moments create lasting memories and reinforce family unity.


The relationship between parents and children is foundational to personal development and societal cohesion. It involves a delicate balance of rights and responsibilities, underpinned by respect, communication, and mutual support. Both parents and children should strive to understand and fulfill their roles, ensuring a nurturing and harmonious family environment. By doing so, they not only enhance their own lives but also contribute positively to the broader community.

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