It's 2025! A New Year for a New You?

in newyears •  3 months ago 

Everybody seems to take this time of year to make commitments to "a new year for a new you" with their New Year's resolutions. And just like I used to ask about on Hive and the Hive Power Up days at the beginning of each month. Why? Why wait till a particular day or time of year to make a change? Why wait till the fist to power up? Power it up when you get it.
Which I do need to power up my Blurt. I know, I'm lazy.

I digress,
The best time to make a change in your life is NOW. Especially if it is going to improve it. Dont wait. Just do it. Which is what I have just started doing.

I'm making a change

Those who follow my podcast "Liberty Bytes" have noticed that I've created some AI generated music for the theme song and bumper music. I've taken that step even further and have created 4 virtual "personas". 2 that are just for fun type songs about truck driving for another podcast that I cohost called Trucker Nation USA.

But the other two I want to take somewhat seriously. They are slowly becoming my alter egos of sorts. One is a softer side that looks for the good in humanity and wants to spread love and joy to everyone.

But the other one, oh the other one is just all out fun, is completely different. This persona has taken on a life of it's own. I am so tempted to give it it's own social media profiles, website, blog, etc. I've created 12 songs with this persona which is twice as many than I have with the other 3. The songs are anti government, anti big tech, endorses individualism and liberty.

Byte Rebel image created with Grok.

The character is envisioned as a rapper with a flair for heavy metal. In images he is always depicted as wearing a black hoodie with chains draped over the shoulders and a Guy Fawkes mask with glowing red eyes.
I chose this as the persona because in my mind it represents the vast majority of people in the world who are nothing more than faceless nobody's to the elite who rules the world.

The Guy Fawkes mask is a symbol of their rebellion to the elites and the governments and the chains is representative of what holds them down.
The songs themselves are thought provoking and blunt. They call for rebellion with angst and anger to be directed to the those who oppress. Question everything and encourages people to think for themselves. They call for individuals to bind together to gain strength to fight for each other but still think for themselves. Then to leave each other alone after they win.

I can see this character getting the biggest following of the personas I have created. The songs are, imo, just a slap in the face of the main stream. It represents what we all secretly feel when someone in a position of power says "You cant/wont/shouldnt do (insert what ever is the topic of the day)".
This persona is a big hell no to that.

I would love to see this character be picked up by someone or many someones in real life and doing live performances. It would be pretty easy because of the mask and the costume is something that most people have already.

The reason for this post

In total I have created 17 songs with 4 personas over the last month. Many of them are lyrics I've been holding onto for years. Some of them are brand new and created just for the persona. I am distributing them through Distrokid to 20 online music stores including Spotify, iheartradio, YouTube Music, TikTok, Instagram, etc. Each song is $.69 on the stores. They are all being released one per day between January 1st to the end of the month.

But here on Blurt I am releasing them all this week through BlurtMedia. They will each get their own playlist so they can stay organized. I already have the Truckin Music and Mira Nocturne playlist uploaded fully. I will start uploading Byte Rebel's playlist today and tomorrow. There are 10 songs for it and they are the ones I am most proud of so those are the ones I want everybody to hear and get feedback on. But I do have to work the day job so time is still going to be tight. I will get them uploaded as fast as I can. I will share that playlist link when I get a couple of songs uploaded to it.

If you want the high quaility flac files of these songs let me know and I will put them up on a torrent in the future.

Final thought

Just remember that although the personas are fake, the music is not real, the instruments are not real and the images are not real. The messages, the thoughts they provoke and the ideas they convey are very much real and worth of everyone's attention.

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  ·  2 months ago  ·   (edited)

1 votes

  ·  3 months ago  ·   (edited)

I hope that one day AI music will kill the satanic music industry. Who knows maybe in the future, thanks to AI everyone will be able to create their own movies as well, and that would kill woke Hollywood, Netflix and other propaganda giants

I dont think it will kill the music industry or the movie industry. But it will definitely change them. They will have to adapt or die.
The music industry will be forced to going back to live performances will be the only real thing about it.
Film industry will most likely try to license actors and actress's with the film studio's morphing into IT companies. Where a person can log into an AI prompt and give a description of the type of movie they want. "A Hollywood blockbuster, action adventure starring Keeanu Reeves, Bruce Willis and Marge Simpson." Then they will have to pay for the use of those actors and characters before it spits out a 2 hr movie to watch. Wont be able to download it. Streaming only.
Record labels in the music industry will morph into something similar. Charging for the use of a style or sound of an artist.
But they wont go away and they will still be evil. They will put up a huge fight to stay in control.
The ones who will be hurt the most in these fights will be the artists, actors, and actresses. But if they are smart and stand up for themselves they could end up being the hero in the situation.
But I fear they wont. They will sit back and let the record labels and film studios do all the bargaining on their behalf which will leave them as the cash cows just like they are now.

AI is a real game changer. Now with tools for generating music, videos, and games (to a limited extent) people with ideas who lack certain skills can see those ideas brought to fruition. This, of course, does not come without drawbacks, but it will certainly help people create content who may not have been able to do so before.


AI is a tool and it's all in the perception of the people who view it is what will make it good or bad.

  ·  3 months ago  ·  



Awesome. I used to create AI music a few years ago and share on Dtube.
I will start making some new stuff to share them on

Blurt to the moon 🌙

Nice! I look forward to hearing it!

Here … I create these with Suno (Free AI tool) :

It’s Free to try … the secret is in a good prompt :

“Heavy metal song about the crypto blogging platform … etc etc “