Winning and learning

in newvisionlife •  8 months ago 

We may not always win, but even when we don't win, we learn, which in the end, adds to our experience, knowing the results, if we act in that way. If we are aware of this and use that setback to avoid stumbling over the same stone, then we never really lose.

I am blessed that my children are very diligent in their homework, I keep alive the memory of when my daughter was just 4 years old and was in preschool, she was on full shift at school, while I was working, we would arrive home after six in the afternoon, so my priority was to prepare dinner.

Then, she would show up in the kitchen with her notebook and pencil and tell me: Mommy I have to do homework.

I would sit her at the breakfast table, which was in the kitchen, and while I was cooking, I would give her guidance on what she needed.

It is something I will never forget. From then until now, she has always been very responsible with her homework.

She is now in middle school and recently participated in an academic challenge representing her class. When she got home, I asked her how she did and she told me they came in second place, with tears in her eyes.

At first I tried to console her, I knew she had done her best, but she told me she felt that way because of all the stress she went through.

It happened that, her team was supposed to be made up of 5 students, each one was assigned to study a subject to answer the questions in the challenge. Two of them were missing and, what's more, the two who did go told her that they hadn't studied.

Then she tried to go over all the subjects, half an hour before the challenge and when the time came, she felt she had all the responsibility on her shoulders and when they lost, she felt even worse.

I understood the situation and how pressured she felt, so I just hugged her for a good while, letting her know that she did the best she could and that she can really only do her part, she can't do everyone else's part.

My hug and an ice cream, brought back her beaming smile.

Her dad said to her, what I used for the title of this publication: In life you win and learn, you don't lose.

This is an experience that will make you approach a similar situation in a different way, it is not your responsibility to save the world, but to do your best in everything you do, so if you do not get the desired results, at least you have the peace of mind of having tried hard enough.

I admire my children, I learn from them every day and they make me feel so proud, they are more than I deserve.

To God thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, for so many blessings.

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