Resizing helps me to look from a different perspective

in newvisionlife •  8 months ago 

Before addressing any situation, it is necessary to evaluate its dimensions, this will give us an idea of whether we are able to solve it with the resources we have, or if we should consider other options.

It is easy to be equanimous when it comes to the problems of others, but when they are ours, we lose objectivity and it is easy to fall into exaggeration; however, I think this is not my case, I can usually keep calm in difficult situations.

I am very tearful, if I get very upset or even if something hurts me, it is my escape route, then I may retire to cry in my privacy, until I get tired and then my mind is clear to design a plan to help me, with whatever is happening to me.

Thinking that everything in this life passes, lets me know that it is temporary, no matter how big I think the issue is, it will pass.

How do I resize?

To begin with, I try to be objective, I see the problem from its maximum expression and I consider the scenarios in which I can change things in some way.

It is easier when it is something that depends only on me, but it is not always like that, so I have to be clear about my limits. As I was telling my daughter a couple of days ago: we cannot do what is up to others.

I always ask God to enlighten me when I am designing my action plan.

The idea is to focus on what I can do and not on what I cannot do.

Perspective is very important, there are things that I can see as very big, if I focus on how long it may take to resolve, but if we fragment it in stages, it becomes more possible.

I think that confronting is better than evading, because it is better to face the issue at once and let what has to happen happen happen, rather than dragging it out and prolonging the agony.

I also consider the worst-case scenario that could happen if things don't go as I expect and ask myself if I can handle it.

I assume the consequences of what I decide.

I love my job, but the current working conditions are so terrible, I would not want to be there anymore. I even thought about quitting, but I had to reason with a cool head: I am only one year away from my early retirement, I think it is unwise to leave when I can have the freedom and a secure income in such a short time.

But I decided that a couple of years ago, I was then three years away from retirement and it was unfeasible for me to have to stay so long, however, I had two options: I stay and endure without complaining or I leave.

I put in a balance the pros and cons. The decision has always been in my hands, when I understand that it is only my responsibility, I can be at peace with what I choose.

How do I handle it? Instead of resenting how uncomfortable it is for me to be in a place I no longer want, I focus on how good I will feel when I am free, enjoying my pension, using my time as I want, without risking anything.

I also found it helpful to imagine the scenario in which I quit, the three years would pass, and I would regret not waiting.

Seeing the situation from the solution, rather than the current point, helped me discern better.

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