My teenage children

in newvisionlife •  8 months ago 

I can see proof of how fast time goes by in my children. I remember as if it were yesterday the day they were born and today, they are already teenagers.

This topic is somewhat emotional for me, I notice that my children have grown up so much.... I don't know if something similar has happened to any of you, but I often miss the children they were. When I see in pictures how their little faces have changed, I always feel a kind of nostalgia, I remember their smiles, their gestures, the size of their little hands and their hugs. Now they are 15 and 12, it's amazing to me.



How is our communication?

In our home, we always treat each other with respect, and there is an abundance of affection. My children are very loving, hugs, kisses and I love yous are an important part of our day.

For me, motherhood is a very serious matter, it was not something fortuitous, on the contrary, it was something planned. Before having my children, I tried to prepare myself as much as I could to take on that role, yet I know that it is more of a blessing, the fact that they are the way they are.

I really don't know if they are not old enough yet, but so far I can't say there is any friction in communication.

They do not know what mistreatment is in their upbringing. When I was little, my parents "corrected" me by hitting me with a strap, which sometimes left bruises on my legs, however, that was normal, there are even those who still do it. Answering badly, breaking a vase, not doing some duty, were enough causes to deserve that punishment and it really paid off, because we are four siblings and we can say that we are all good people.

But with my children I have not felt the need to do that, I do not conceive the idea of putting a hand on them, if it is not to caress their face or their head.

I remember clearly the time my son broke my cell phone, I had left it shitting on the floor next to my bed, he didn't see it and stepped on it, he was only 4 years old. It was 4 o'clock in the morning and I was preparing breakfast, when he came up to me and with his small size and hands on his waist (as if he was very big) he said : "Mommy, come see what happens for leaving your phone on the floor." Seeing my phone with a totally broken screen, I couldn't even be bothered, I was just impressed by the way he had managed to turn the whole thing around so that I was the one to blame and the most summit thing is that he was right.

Another day, also at four years old, he took the keys out of my mini-laptop and when I asked him why he had done it, he told me that he felt like taking them out of there, that he didn't know that he couldn't put them back. But his way of talking has always been so confident and so mature, that it honestly leaves me with no arguments. I remember my husband telling me that it was my fault, for leaving it within his reach, and it's true.

Well, the point is that we have been able to fix everything with words.

They trust us, they feel safe talking to us, they are not afraid of us, they even address us as "you", although in my times everything was "you". But at the same time they respect us, they may disagree with what we tell them, they express it, trying to make us change our minds perhaps, however, they know that their dad and I have the last word and they accept it.

Even when they were little, they were not tantrum kids, I think at least we were right in showing them limits and firmness, without the need to mistreat them or intimidate them. We have always understood each other quite well.

They know how important and valuable they are to us, they feel loved and that gives them security, they have no need to challenge us, no need to draw attention to themselves.

I believe that life has given us the best children we could have and I think they deserve better parents. I pray that good sense and love will be with us for the rest of their adolescence and their lives and that God will continue to guide us so that they will have our best version of us.

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