My best way to manage stress

in newvisionlife •  8 months ago 

Stress is a natural response of our organism, so that we are alert in situations that our brain considers challenging or dangerous. It is not bad in itself, but rather, as is often the case, it is its excess that causes damage to our body.

I am one of those people who have not known how to manage their emotions well, who have overexerted themselves and, consequently, have suffered from sustained stress, which has had direct implications on my health.

It seems that we do not notice the damage we do to ourselves, until our body simply says: I can't take it anymore! and then we get sick.

In order to be well, I have had to modify my behavior in the following aspects:

Not taking everything to heart

I know it's a weakness, but it's been important for me to meet all the expectations that others have of me, in addition to my own.

Trying to make the cut in everything, made me over-commit myself and exceed my physical and mental capacity, I worked long hours, I didn't even take the time to have lunch in peace, but ate in front of my PC, while advancing in my projects, in addition to my responsibilities as a mother and housewife.

I thought it was something that all working women do, that I should do it too, without complaining, and probably yes, many of them are capable of that and more, but in my case, I had to stop by force.

Now I try to think (I have not yet mastered it completely), that if something does not favor my health, it is not worth it. What's the use of working so hard if I won't be able to enjoy my effort with my family.

I recently saw a video that said: "No hurry, there is nothing to prove", in which a young man explains that "people who devote their energy to show what they are, are actually showing what they are not", because behind all that, there is insecurity.

Confident people have self-esteem and do not need to prove anything to anyone. Insecure people, on the other hand, take shortcuts to impress and are in a hurry or want to get immediate results.

In the end, it doesn't matter what others think of me, it matters that I can be okay.

So now, I have learned to say no and I don't compromise as much.

Include physical activity in my routine

Before the pandemic I attended aerobics classes and felt very well, after the sedentary lifestyle of the quarantine, it seems that all my ailments came to the surface, so at the moment I am in recovery.

So for now, I just go for a walk with my husband, but as soon as I feel a little better, I plan to incorporate an exercise routine into my life.

Physical activity really makes me feel better; not only my body thanks it, but also my mind, which seems to clear up, clarifying my ideas, allowing me to think better and even be more optimistic.

At this point I must say that I also need to take care of my diet, it is something very necessary, to maximize the effect of the exercises.

Nourishing my mind with constructive thoughts

We are what we think, so many times we do nothing more than circulate in our mind only negative ideas and then we complain to the universe or to God why everything goes wrong for me?

I agree that we are energy and that we attract what we believe or reap what we sow.

When I stop to observe myself, I have dedicated a lot of time to thoughts of hopelessness, what I do now is to replace them with others that are constructive, for example: I can't do it, of course you can, you just have to make an effort. The same happens with I don't have, there is no... these are words that attract lack and it is not something I want in my life.

Complaining is not good either, when I find myself emitting one, I replace it with gratitude. For example, if I have to wait in line to get gas, instead of complaining about the time I spend there, I am grateful because I have a car that helps us so much in our daily lives.

Listen to music that elevates my energy

I have always liked romantic music, but I noticed that many times it makes me sad and when I feel susceptible, like now, the best thing to do is to filter what I hear and play happy melodies that make me want to smile. The same happens with movies, even with people.

Life is too short and precious to waste it on individuals who are too comfortable in suffering. It's exhausting to try to get them out of it, besides, it even annoys them when you try and they just leave you with a bad taste.

As for music, the right selection can make me dance and make me want to smile. It's wonderful therapy, as is laughter.

I will leave my list until here, thank you for joining me in this reading.

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