Blessings and laughter on our day

in newvisionlife •  8 months ago 

It has been a great day, with many reasons to be thankful and feel joy in our hearts.

An unwanted event that becomes a joy

It had been raining since last night and it was raining all day, which caused the electricity to fail and we were without power for a few hours.

It was already noon, our kitchen is electric and for a moment we wondered what we would eat now? My beloved quickly said: we will buy roast chicken.

We had been a long time without buying restaurant food, because of the economy, so we were all very happy and my children were saying "Good thing the power went out!

My beloved and I went for the food, we bought chicken broaster, cachapa with cheese, fried arepas and a portion of french fries for our kids, because they love them.

Normally we eat only half a chicken, but on this occasion, there was no whole chicken left. We were very satisfied and happy to enjoy a different menu.

Our afternoon of church and more laughter

Later it was time to go to church, it was still raining, but not with force, thanks to that it was very little that we got wet, we must be prudent and take care of our health.

It is already a habit for my children and me to take a picture together when we go somewhere and, on this occasion, it is the one I show below:

We arrived just in time, in fact at the same time as the priest. There were not many people, most likely due to the rain, because most of them are walking.

We had time to get into the same seats as usual and waited a bit while the priest prepared for the ceremony.

After leaving the church, I went with my children to the square in front of the church, I love that space, where there are also many mango trees.

A couple of teenagers were trying to knock down ripe mango trees, throwing a green mango at them and one of them almost hit us with one. I told him to be more careful and he apologized.

Meanwhile my son just laughed, he thought it was a funny situation.

After a while of laughter, we were ready to return to our home, but not before taking some pictures of my loves, to have them as a souvenir.

It does not take much to share quality time with our loved ones, the most important thing is to have a good disposition to see all the great things that happen to us at every moment.

The priest was telling us today, how many of you were thankful today for the food you have eaten? How many of you are thankful for being able to breathe? And the truth is that this is something that we do every day in our home. The more we are thankful, the more blessings come into our lives.

I thank God for each day that allows me to enjoy my family, to see them healthy, full of joy, living to the fullest. I have more than I could wish for, I don't need more. I feel very fortunate to have them in my life.

Cover edited in Canva.
Photographs of my property.
Bitmoji Emojis
Separator made in PowerPoint, using the official Blurt logo.
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